Sunday, October 2, 2016

Meet Jennah

Hello! My name is Jennah and I am a sophomore at William Woods University. I am an Equestrian Science and Accounting double major whose ultimate goal is to run my own riding center and teach kids of all ages (including those pony-loving adults!) how to care for and enjoy God’s wonderful creatures. I also plan to become an accountant, because keeping track of things –especially money- is important for running a business. Also, horses are expensive (as all y’all horse people know the struggle) and accounting is a stable career which I enjoy!

   I am 18 and hail from a family of 7 in the grand state of Texas, surrounded by our horses, longhorns, chickens and our adorable and sometimes lazy dog. Being homeschooled my whole life, college is a huge transition, with different teachers, dorm life and SO many people being the biggest changes! I am enjoying it though, and am trying to make the most of every opportunity and make lasting friendships with amazing people during these 4 short years. I love how the college experience forces people to go through the same situations which forms amazing camaraderie between complete strangers.

    A little about my interests, I love:

  • Jesus and his amazing love for me
  • My loving parents and 4 crazy awesome brothers
  • Horses (obviously) and all animals –except spiders they are absolutely creepy
  • Puzzles/Mysteries/Brain Games
  • Superheroes!
  • Baking (especially if it involves chocolate!)
  • Travel
  • Amazing Scenery and the great outdoors
  • Photography when I feel like it
  • Spontaneous adventures
  • Writing in this blog with these fantastic girls!

I only knew these young women for a week or so before starting this blog, and when presented with this idea, I was pretty excited. I would like to share my experiences, mistakes, adventures and college tips with those who are going through the same situations or are about to embark on their own college journey. Life is a lot harder to tackle alone, so it is so exciting to contribute to this community and be surrounded by encouraging friends! Here is to a life-prepping, educational and adventurous next four years and beyond!

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