Sunday, October 2, 2016

My First Day at school

I (ALy)remember my first day of college being a very hard day for me. I have always been a homebody so moving out of the house was really hard for me. I remember that I was just fine when we first got there and everything was great with the unpacking and the opening ceremony. I was all smiling and laughing until my mountain of bags started to grow smaller and that reality started to set in and I started to get sad. My friends saw this and started to comfort me, which only made me worse. My parents saw this and started to hug me. “It’s going to be ok Aly, we live only a hour away and you can come home every weekend if you want too.”  This made me feel a little better but I couldn’t wait for the weekend when I can go home.

When weekend came and it was time for me to go home for the weekend I ran into my father’s arms and started to cry I was so happy to see him. When the weekend was over I had to come back to school but this time I know that everything was going to be ok and that I would have my friend to help though this journey. ☺

Were you homesick when you first moved out?


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