Friday, December 30, 2016

Celebrate the holidays with us.......Christmas 2016

My Christmas started out as soon as I got home from college. I started making Christmas cookies and Christmas gifts and of course listening to Christmas music. As for actual Christmas celebration that started on Christmas Eve. My Deaf Sunday School class had its Christmas party from 3-4:45 where we just hung out, had hot chocolate, played games, and decorated cookies. Then at 5:00 we had our Christmas Eve service where I helped interpret some of the songs for the Deaf. When my family got home we watched ‘The Nativity Story’ and read ‘Christmas: On This Holy Night’ as we do every year. Not long after we went to bed.

The next morning when I was woke up by my brother I went downstairs and made hash brown casserole for breakfast and when that was in the oven and everyone was awake we opened our gifts. When we were finished we got ready to go to my aunt’s house for a celebration on my dad’s side of the family. We arrived there around 2:30 and didn’t leave until around 7:00. We spent the day just spending time with family, eating food, and we played rob your neighbor.

The following day we all piled back into the car with our bags and left for my mom’s parent’s house in southern Illinois. At the end of the day my parents left to go back to the house but my siblings and I stayed until Thursday afternoon when my mom came back to pick us up.

Until next time, Love God, Love Each other and Love Disney

Our Christmas was very relaxed this year. Usually we go spend the day with family and/or friends, but this year we stayed home and spent the holiday with each other. To begin our festivities, we went to our church’s Christmas Eve service. It felt nice to be back in my home church! On Christmas Eve, we have a tradition to open a family gift after dinner and reading the prophesies and events leading up to Jesus’ birth in the Bible. Usually it is a game which we then play. This year, it was Battleship and little fake snowballs (since Texas has not had a White Christmas in a loooonng time) along with some other little items. It was really nice just to have the entire family sit and relax, talk and play games. Christmas morning all us kids (except my too-cool-and-sleepy-to-wake-up-at-8am older brother) made quite a racket exploring our stockings. Then we made breakfast and waited for our parents to get up and eat. Then we finished reading about Jesus’ birth and then opened the rest of the gifts. The rest of the day was spent outside playing with the horses, my brother’s new rifle and various new toys. That afternoon, we stuck a candle in some cupcakes I had made earlier that week and sang Happy Birthday to Jesus. As most Christmases are, it was very exciting and fun!


 How did you guys spend Christmas?

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