Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Meet Megan

Hey Guys! My name is Megan and I’m a 20 year old Sophomore here at William Woods University. I am majoring in Criminal Justice and minoring in American Sign Language and Business Administrations. I’m from Putnam County Missouri and we have a pretty funny mascot there, we are known as the Midgets. I also have a twin sister, which we do a lot of things together.

Where’s Putnam County? Is a question I am asked a lot. My answer is, its right next to the Iowa boarder and majority of the time, we get Iowa weather, which tends to be colder then Missouri. I have lived in Putnam County for the majority of my life and that’s where I grew up and went to school. I can’t say I was one of the “popular” kids in school, but I was happy and I had some pretty awesome friends to Hang out with. I high school I was the District and Chapter President of Future Business Leaders of America, I was the Historian in Future Career and Community Leaders of America, Future Teachers of America, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, DECA, and Band. In band I was the Flute Section Leader, Uniform Coordinator, and Drum Major. High School was pretty awesome, but the teachers lied, they said college would be hard, but I find it easy.

So before I tell you my goals and Hobbies, I want to talk a little bit on my sister, Jamie. We did everything together, when we were younger of course. No we are not alike, we share a birthday and a last name and majority of the same DNA. If I could be an only child, I would chose not to be, I may not admit it but I would be lost without my sister. Jamie goes to Missouri Western in St. Joe to study Theater along with a minor in French, she would like to go on Broadway some day. I’ll always cheer her on, no matter what. She was also in band, she played the trumpet and the tuba. We can do the saying, “My evil twin did it”, because normally I’m the “Evil” Twin. We are two half’s a whole, We would have it no other way.



So Now since you know a little more about me here are some of my goals in life:

1.     Stay True, Stay You

2.    Graduate College with my degree

3.    Get a job working for the FBI, NCIS, or a local Police Agency

4.    Get a House and a Car

5.    Get married, have kids, and rescue animals

6.    Try to not have many loans and debt to pay off

Some of my Hobbies are:

1.     Watching Netflix of course (best place to find movies and tv shows)

2.    Reading Books (have so many series started, it’s hard to keep them straight)

3.    Cooking and Baking (my favorite hobby in the world)

4.    Playing My Flute (It’s So pretty when it’s in tune and not being played on high notes)

5.    Swimming (I’m a lifeguard, so I get to enjoy every bit of my work)

I have some quotes I love and I could not resist the urge to share them with you!

1.     “A room without books is like a body without a soul” – Marcus Tullius Cicero

2.    “Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend. “ – Albert Camus

3.    “ If you want to know what a man’s like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.” – J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

 I’m a quiet girl and I like to keep to myself. When I moved here on campus, I wasn’t nervous about coming here, I went to Freshmen Advantage. If you are thinking of coming here and you’re a freshman go to it, it will help you a lot and you will meet many new people that will eventually become your friends. Since I have finished a semester of college, I have learned many new things, and that I trip all over campus. It’s the start if somethin’ new, it feels so right to be at this school.

Until the ‘morrow we will speak again



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