Friday, June 2, 2017

Packing for college...The Bed

Hello Everyone! And welcome to the first installment of Packing for college! Today I will be helping you make a list of what you are going to need when it comes to your bed. Whether for sleeping or if you use your bed to hang out, study, or anything else you will be spending a LOT of time on your bed and you are going to want to make it as comfy as possible. Ready?

So starting from the bottom you are going to want a mattress protector. The mattress you get is not going to be new and with this being college, you never know what happened on that thing before you got it. So really you aren’t protecting the mattress but yourself. These come in two styles that I’ve seen, one that looks like a sheet made of plastic and the other is a bag that zips around the entire mattress, this on gets more coverage but is much harder to get on the bed.

Next, some kind of mattress topper or pad is the best. Like I said, the mattresses are not going to be new and a mattress pad/topper will help you out a LOT. Mine is a memory foam 1½ inch and I love it. I also like my bed on the firmer side so something like what Aly has, (I don’t know what it is but you S

       as soon as you put weight on it. You can get whatever thickness you want to make you feel comfortable.

Then, you are going to need sheets. Check with your school before buying these! Most colleges have twin XL mattresses which are longer than normal twins and need twin XL sheets. However, they aren’t hard to find, especially during back to school time. Also, find some that you like. You will be sleeping on them for, probably, four years and you want to be happy with them. I suggest buying two sets. That way when one set gets dirty you can take them off and have a clean set to make your bed with, instead of having to wash them before sleeping on your bed again.

After that comes a comforter. Find something you like, colors that you like, something that makes you happy. Again, you will probably be using this for the next four years so find something you like. If you and your roommate want to, you can get matching sets but you don’t need to. If you are opposites, or you just don’t want that much symmetry, get something different. That is ok.

Now, get yourself some pillows. Whatever kind you want, however many you want. Then, get

some pillow protectors for them and the pillow cases on top of that. Your sheets might come with  pillow cases but you might need extra depending on how many pillows you get. Other pillow suggestions are a boyfriend pillow (one with arms), a body pillow, pillow pets, and maybe some decorative pillows. You know what you like. Me personally, I had seven pillows on my bed; other people I know only had one pillow. You know you, so go pillow crazy, or not…..

Now for some extras J

Find a favorite stuffed animal or two and bring them. I suggest not bringing the entire childhood collection because dorm rooms are very small and you will quickly run out of room. Choose one or two to remind you of home and stop there.

Fuzzy blankets. I. Love. Blankets. Every single one of my friends can attest to this fact. Off the top of my head I can think of ten blankets just sitting in my room where I can get to them. and its June. And the AC isn’t on. Get some blankets to cover up with, to take to movie night, to wrap up in on your way out of the dorm when the fire alarm goes off at 2am in January, (just don’t be the cause of that). You are going to need blankets. And for normal people (unlike me) 2-3 should be just fine.

Bedside Bag comes in really handy when your bed is lofted or bunked. It keeps a few things you need right there so you don’t need to climb down to get them. A sleeping mask is good when you want to go to sleep and your roommate needs to work on homework still. And earplugs are the same concept. They also come in handy when you want to go to sleep but everyone else on your floor seems to think that midnight is the perfect time to scream at each other.

Lastly, if there is anything else you sleep with at home, bring it. You want your bed to feel like home as much as possible because you will be sleeping there and sleep is very much needed when trying to stuff some knowledge in the brain.

Until next time,

Love God, Love others, and Love Disney,


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