Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Packing for College...Everything Else

Hey Guys!

Today in the last post of our Packing for College I am going to give you a list of just random items that you need around your dorm room that don’t really fit in any other category. Some of these things you will use every day and others will be every-so-often, however they were all items we used even if only one person had it and we all borrowed from that person. You might not need all of these items however, reading through this list might make you think of other things you want to bring. So here is the list of ‘Every thing else’ you should pack for college.

·         Trash can

·         Trash bags

·         Air  freshener or wax warmer (if your college allows those)

·         Fan

·         Hangers

·         Shoe organizer: if you have a closet door you can get one that goes over your closet door but if there are no closet doors do NOT assume you will get the back of the door (the door might not even close with something over the top) you can always get one that sits on the floor of your closet (WWU freshman: you will have closet doors your freshman year, however, all the other buildings do not have closet doors)

·         Duct tape

·         1-2 pleasure reading books

·         Stamps (for sending letters, applications, etc)

·         Stress stone

·         Any chargers for your electronics

·         Portable phone charger

·         Power strips

·         Flash drive

·         Flashlight

·         Umbrella

·         Tool kit

·         Command hooks

·         Weekend bag

·         Light bulbs

·         Sunglasses

·         Sewing kit

·         Cards

·         Sticky tack

·         Your ID

·         Insurance cards (if you need them for something getting them in the mail from mom and dad will take a while, especially if it’s an emergency)  

·         Birth certificate

·         Social security card

·         A small lock box or safe

·         Your Bible

·         Journal

·         Letters from people back home (at my graduation party I had a spot where everyone could write me a letter to read while at college, and I was so happy when I got to college and I started to read the letters)

·         Ear buds   

I hope this series was helpful for you to pack for college. Later this week we will be posting a complete list putting all the posts together as a list. That way you don’t have to click between posts, so watch out for that.

Also wanted to let you all know that we are all starting to get back on campus and will be having a meeting soon to revamp/reenergize the blog as we seemed to get a little lackluster this summer.

Love God, Love others, and Love Disney


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