Saturday, September 30, 2017

Glow Party

Hello friends,
The first week of school I went to a glow party, which to most people doesn’t sound like a big thing but to me this was a big thing. This was my first party EVER. In high school I never went to a party because I didn’t have a lot of friend and the ones that I did have didn’t go to the parties.

 At the party I didn’t really know what to do, I had gotten there early and most of the people that were there were only standing around talking. The loud music started to play a few minutes after I arrived and then a few of my friends from last year showed up. When the dance really started most of the students still stood around in a circle and talked for most of the dance . The others that were actually dancing were in the front near the DJ. My friends and I started in the back of the dance to get snow cones that were there then start to make our way to the front of the dance and danced there with a few new friends. We stayed till way after the dance ended and I had a great time during the party and plan to go to a few dances in the future.    


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