Monday, September 25, 2017

My First Thoughts on Being a CA

Hey Guys!! I’m here to tell you about my journey being a Community Advisor at school. Last semester I applied to become a community advisor, I wasn’t sure that I would get it but I was very hopeful that I would get notification to be a community advisor for the next semester and so on here at the woods.

If I remember right, we waited a week to hear the results. Then it happened, I received an email saying, “Go check your mailbox, I’m serious go check it!” that’s when I went to my mail box and retrieved the letter and opened it right there. The letter in short read, “Congratulations! You are now the CA of Allen 3rd floor!” From there I started my journey.

I arrived at school on August 4th at 8am, got checked in and my sister, Mom, and I started to unload all of my stuff from my car and my mother’s van. That was a work out for sure, 3 floors to carry all of that stuff up was a lot of work. Our CA training didn’t start until Sunday August 6th at 9am and from that day we went straight into hard training with our last day of training being Wednesday August 16th at 5pm. Training was hard, yes, I did learn a lot and how to help people in different situations which has helped prepare me for my job.

Allen hall is part of the Smith, Allen, Swearingen complex (we call it ‘the complex’) which are the freshman dorms on campus and their move in day was August 17th, that was a hectic day. The Complex CAs were running around everywhere checking people and taking them to their rooms so they could start moving in and getting settled before their hectic week would begin. That night, to welcome them here, we had an ice cream party out front.

Now it’s been over a month since I arrived on campus and started being a community advisor. I have had my ups and downs since becoming a CA, but the connections and friends I have made so far from being a CA are something I would not give up and I am very blessed to have this opportunity, because it has taught me a lot and it will look good on my resume. If you are thinking about becoming a community advisor or just have questions, please go to your CA and ask. We are actually pretty cool and want to help you out!

Until the ‘morrow we will speak again


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