Friday, January 5, 2018

I Volunteer with Horses (but it's not what you think)

Growing up, I have not always been into horses, as I had just interacted with them at the occasional pony rides at the race track we would go and visit during the summer with my family. It was when I was 14 and in the 8th grade that one of my close friends asked me if I liked horses, and as an animal lover I answered, “YES!” My friend introduced me to the place where my passion for working with and along side horses came true. The barn is called Sunnyside Equestrian Center and it houses a program known as SPUR which is an acronym for Special People United to Ride.
Sunnyside Equestrian Center
The program helps to involve those with special needs, allowing them to have a sport that they can do. It is a confidence booster as well as allowing them to feel free. Imagine being confined your whole life to a wheel chair, where you can only go on paved surfaces safely and not always is that where you want to go. SPUR was created so that those who were in these types of situations could finally experience the world from on top of a horse who could take them places where they were never able to go before. For example, many instructors enjoy taking their students out into the sensory woods where the students can play games and on the bunny trail for a trail ride to see deer and other wildlife up close. I have been volunteering for this program for 4 years and I love every second of it. The kids who are riding have such personalities while they are on the horses it is truly awesome to see them grow throughout the 8-week session.
A volunteer helps at their first horse show!

If you are ever wanting to help others in your community, see if there is a barn that offers a program like SPUR. You don’t always have to be a horse person to volunteer but sometimes there is an age limit so ask or look online before signing up. I will say that this program will allow you to become a different person, as you are helping those who have less than you do and at the end of the day it brings joy back into your life.

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