Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Meet the Hunter/Jumper Horses!

There are all sorts of wonderful horses in the Hunter/Jumper barn! They are all donated by amazing people and are teaching students how to ride hunt seat. We have a herd of 38 horses, made of of mares, geldings and all sorts of breeds, sizes and colors. Here are a few that you might find if you visit the hunter/jumper barn!

"Ludwig 186"

Hello! My name is Ludwig and I love everyone! If you are having a bad day, just stop by my stall and I will cheer you right up by letting you pet and love on me. I might even try to lick your neck or arms, so watch out for my slobbery tongue! I am a jumper, and am pretty good at whipping around a course of high fences. I am usually ridden by more experienced riders who know all my buttons, but always enjoy spending time with everyone who comes to say hello.


I am a spunky fellow who loves to run around and play with my horsey friends. My eye-catching markings help me stand out from the crowd, especially my different colored eyes! I am very sweet and loving and always give my riders a fun time over jumps. Lacey came to see me earlier this year, you can see pictures of us together here.


Hello there, I have been at William Woods for a while and have helped many students become better riders. My calm, patient, and easy going attitude makes me a favorite choice for class and competitions. I am getting older, so I might not jump as high as I used to, but I can still easily pull off a great hunter round if the rider shows me what to do. I am the tallest horse in hunter/jumper, but certainly not the tallest horse on campus! I enjoy going outside with my friend Ketchum and licking my salt block.

"Corona Du Domaine Z"

My name is Corona, and I am one fancy lady. I have lots of experience in the jumper ring and have competed at some high level shows! I can show you a thing or two and I am always looking for the next jump! People love it when I'm on course, because I snort with each stride and sometimes jump the fences a bit too high in my excitement. I love to stretch up my long neck to look around at my surroundings. I am super sweet and love to sniff you out for treats!

"What the Doctor Ordered"

Hi, I'm Huey, one of the best guys around. If there is a rider who is nervous, needs to improve their riding, or just wants a fun ride, I'm the horse for the job. Although I do prefer to be left alone while I eat my food, I will hang out with you as long as you like. People like me for my long, lanky stride, smooth canter and kind personality. I'm getting older, so I certainly don't jump like I used to, but I love to run around when I play outside with my friends.

These are just a few of our amazing animal friends at the Woods! If you are ever on campus, don't hesitate to stop by and say hello to these guys!


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