Tuesday, May 29, 2018

How to Handle Grief in College

Hi Guys! Well for this post, I didn’t know what to talk about, so I thought I would let you into my life a little bit. This post is about how to handle grief in college. In January of this year, my father died from cancer. This threw off my entire year, well and my life. I personally was a mess, on the three-hour car ride home I was playing the should of could of game, I felt dead. I didn’t want to talk to people, I could not remember one good thing I did for my father of what he did for me. All I could think of was what I didn’t do and what I did do that was awful. Don’t play that game, it’s the worst thing you could do to yourself.

I personally don’t share my emotions very well, and I hate people seeing me cry it’s the worst feeling in the world. We didn’t have a funeral for him, my father was cremated and his memorial is May 5th, 2018. It’s different for every family on how they deal with a death of a loved one. I went back to school after four or five days and tried to act like nothing happened. Also, not a good thing, but I did it anyway. I have random moments when I just have some much built up that it all gets let out, which is a good thing let it happen it will make you feel a lot better. I still struggle, when I go home and I’m by myself I can’t really function very well because I think of my dad, but it does get easier. I know it may not seem like it at the time, but it will get better, definitely not all the way better, but you will get there and that in itself is an accomplishment. Talk to your friends, talk to somebody even if it maybe yourself, but don’t degrade yourself to thinking you are nothing and that you can’t be the person you used to be. That will only make you feel worse, always have faith and don’t bottle thinks up. If you ever need anybody to talk to, I’m free to talk just shoot me a comment and I’ll get back to you!
Until the ‘morrow we will speak again


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