Sunday, June 3, 2018

A Day in the Life: Lacey's Summer

Before leaving school we thought it would be a fun idea to do day in the life posts. So this summer we will each take a turn telling you a little bit about what our day is like and today is my turn.

A random Tuesday in summer...

6:00 - my alarm goes off and I start to wake up. When I'm at school I get up right away but now that it’s summer i'll take about half an hour to either be on my phone or just lay there.

6:30 - miracle morning: if you've never heard of this I suggest looking into it. The basic idea is that if you start your day off in the right direction your day will be more productive and efficient. I read my Bible, say affirmations, I might do some yoga (although I didn't today) and read the news.

7:00 - I get dressed and ready for the day. The normal stuff.

7:15 - make and eat breakfast. Today I had a grilled cheese and strawberry banana smoothie. I also make my lunch while im in the kitchen.

7:45-7:50 - leave for work.

8:00 - arrive at work. I work at a daycare that specializes in special needs children, mainly autistic children. I can't say much about what I do or the children I work with but I can say I enjoy it. It is very rewarding when the kids you work with use your name as one of the 30 words they have. It is emotionally draining at times but at the end of the day I love my job. The child I am with arrives at 8 so I am there (or almost there if they are early) when they get there.

11:15ish - it depends on the day and what is going on as to when I get my lunch break. Today was at 11:15 but some days it can be as late as 12:30.

6:00 - take my kid out to the car. The child I am normally with has two brothers who also have autism. To makes it easier on their mom we take the kids out to the car and help her get them in the car.

6:15 - clock out and go home

6:30 - change into pajamas and eat dinner with whoever is home. My family is very busy and everyone always seems to have somewhere to be so some nights it's just me and some nights most of us can eat together.

7:00-8:30 - between the blog, my Youtube channel, training for work, a social life, and me time I always have something to do. Today I had to take a class on the emotional health of children. Pretty boring. I’m writing this at the same time. Don't tell the state :)

8:30 - get ready for bed. I wind down, brush my teeth etc.

9:00 - go to bed. After working a 10 hour shift l'm beat so I go to bed earlier than most.

This pretty much sums up my day most any day of the week. Sometimes I might have to drive a sibling somewhere which changes things around. I also go to church on Wednesday nights which does not start until 8:45 but it is so spiritually rejuvenating I really don't care how late it is.
I hope you guys had fun looking into what my day is like. Let us know in the comments if you guys want to see more of these during the school year!
Love God, Love Others, Love Disney,


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