Friday, October 21, 2016

How We Met

Hi guys! My friends and I have started this wonderful blog.  We all come from different backgrounds with a wide range of interests and hobbies. So how did we all meet?

Alyssa and I go way back, about six years back around the time we both started high school. At the time, we were both attending the same homeschool co-op in Illinois.
 (For those who don’t know, a homeschool co-op is essentially where homeschoolers get together and have classes.)  Coincidentally, we also lived in the same neighborhood just done the street from each other, which made for some interesting times. We both come from military families so eventually Aly moved to Nebraska. Luckily, we have been reunited and are now college roommates.
(Since this post Alyssa has decided to not be a part of this blog anymore because she dropped out of college. but we still love her dearly!)

I met Lacey over the summer at our school’s program called Freshman Advantage. Lacey was my roommate for this whole three-week period. We discovered we had quite a bit in common and become good friends. Now, here we are writing a blog together with other good friends.
Aly and I also met at Freshman Advantage. She was mine and Lacey’s suitemate. My favorite memory from this time was when Aly would wander into our room wondering what we were cracking up about. Needless to say, it was a great time.
Jennah came into our group last. Lacey and I met her at church on the second week of school.Turns out she is a homeschooler just like me and Lacey. She is also an equestrian student at our school. So she fit into our group fantastically.

Megan is the most recent addition to the blog. Lacey, Aly, and I were first introduced to her at FA. However, we did not get to know her until the fall semester. In the fall, she was in the same class with Jenna and I. We did a group presentation together and got to know each other better. We started hanging out together pretty soon after that. Now here we are with a wonderful new addition to the group.
I don’t know what I would be doing without this wonderful group of people with me at college. I certainly wouldn’t be writing a blog, that is for certain!

How did you meet your friends in college?

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