Sunday, October 2, 2016

Meet Aly

Hello again and thank you for coming to visit me on my page welcome. ☺ My full name is Alysha Anna Marie and I am from the great state of Missouri; I have lived heard my whole life as far as I know. The reason I say this is when I was born my birth parents didn’t have enough money to take care of me so I was put up for adoption. That is where I met my parents and my life has been nothing blessings ever sense that day.

    On a less serious note, my major, I have loved art for my whole life and wished that I could put these skills to use .However, I never thought of a way to do this until my art teacher in high school told me about a class that she offered called Computer Design that she thought I would be interested in. I took the class just to see and I later started winning state awards for my designs that I created. My junior year, I decided to join a class group called “Nichols Career Center” in this group they have a bunch of classes and they help you channel your skills and make you better. I joined the Graphic Design class and my teacher helped me get the level that I am now.

    My minor is Equine Science, which means horsies!!!! My classes are helping me learn to take care of horse and learn about all the diseases that will help me take care of my two horses I have at home. They are both Quarter horses for those people that know what that means. My horse’s names are Moon; she is my 7-year-old mare. I have only had her for two years and she is the best horse I have ever had in my life, she is so calm and loves kids and she gave me the best thing a horse can give, a baby. That is Star my male yearling. Star is Moon’s baby, when we bought Moon she was already pregnant with Star and I’m glad that I made the decision to keep the baby because Star is the best baby and has only ever been a blessing.

    My favorite things to do on my free time . First I love to go horseback riding. I ride my horses around my lands and I love how free I feel while I am riding it's amazing.

    My second favorite pass time is writing fictional stories. I have loved writing stories sense I was young and this helps me with me English classes. I have written more than 5 stories and I have thought of publishing them what do you think?

I also love dancing in my room and watching you tube.

    I am looking forward to writing in this blog and hanging out with all of my friends and you.

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