Saturday, December 3, 2016

Celebrate the Holidays with us……..A College Christmas

Hey guys! I mentioned in the last celebrate the holidays with us that we had a Friendsgiving and that we knew we would have a Christmas party. We had this party on the 2nd of December because that was the Friday before finals. Now this was a pretty big event for us and we wanted to share it with you!

Megan (one of our friends) and I ate early from 4:30-5:00 to get started sooner. When we got back to the dorm we went to our rooms to grab all of our stuff. We had made paper ornaments and were making a hot chocolate bar. When we had everything set up we got ready to party. At 7:00 people started to show up and we started the games at 7:30. First we played a game where we had 4 pillowcases each with an item in them; we had a pumpkin, ramen noodles, a candy cane, and an ornament. Everyone got to feel the object through the pillowcase and wrote down their guesses on a sticky note with their name/initials. All of the correct guesses were put in a cup and we drew a winner. After that we played a game of Kahoot and tested everyone’s knowledge of Christmas movies. The winner got a mason jar, which had a toilet paper roll on the inside. Between the jar and the roll was filled with candy and on the inside we put $5. When we finished we split into teams to make snowmen. 
Each team chose one person to be the ‘snowman’, two to be the ‘makers’, and the 2-3 others were the ‘decorators’. When we said start the ‘makers’ started to wrap the ‘snowman’ in toilet paper; after they ran out of their two rolls of toilet paper it was the ‘decorators’ turns. They had to run back and forth from the snowman to a basket of clothes to find their snowman a hat, scarf, sunglasses, and a piece of celery in their mouth in place of carrots because we could only find shredded carrots in the cafeteria (lol). 

When we finished with the games we did the Secret Santa gift exchange. It was a big hit and I think everyone was very happy with the gift their Santa gave them. All throughout the night we were voting for the person we thought was best dressed for Christmas. And when we counted votes we actually had a tie between Santa (one of the girls had her friend dressed up a Santa to make a special appearance) and Wilson (the dog). We had them each pick a number (Wilson’s number was the number of times he licked his owners hand) and Wilson won first prize and Santa won second. When we finished with all of that some of the girls had to leave. 

Those of us who stayed sat in a circle and each got three coins worth a different amount. Them I read a right and left version of the night before Christmas and every time I said the word right or left they passed their coins until the story was over and they got to keep however much they had when they were finished. That was our last game so most everyone left, then Megan, Victoria, Jennah and I cleaned everything up and took it back to our rooms. We all had fun and are planning to have one or two more parties next semester too.
What about you guys, how do you celebrate Christmas with your friends?

Until next time, Love God, Love Each other and Love Disney

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