Friday, August 25, 2017

WWU Clubs

When you go to college everyone wants to give you advice. I remember checking out at Walmart and when my Dad mentioned I was going to college next week I suddenly started getting advice from the cashier, the cashier in the next lane over and the customer behind us! Most of what people say is either common sense, not worth listening to, or is repeated by everyone. One of those repeated pieces of advice is to join clubs on campus. Four of us here at Friends at the Woods agree with this wholeheartedly. We are still trying to convince Aly to join clubs but the rest of us cant imagine college without them. So, today we are each going to describe the clubs we were a part of last year. If you are coming to WWU this is a great way to see SOME of what our campus has to offer. If you aren't coming to WWU then you are going to the wrong school! JK! Maybe you can start a club like one you see here at your own school. So without further ado, WWU clubs...

Megan & Lacey
This is the ASL club on campus, you do not have to be an ASL major, or even a minor to join although it is recommended you know some sign. This club meets about once a month for meetings and holds events all year long. Last year we set up a town in the basement of one of the buildings and all the 'workers' were Deaf. When the students came in they had to find a way to communicate with the Deaf to finish a list of tasks. This helped them understand how difficult it is for the Deaf to communicate everyday. We also hosted performances by Deaf theater groups and had game nights with the students who live at the Missouri School for the Deaf down the street. If you know ASL or want to know more about Deaf culture joining this club is a good idea.

Jennah & Lacey
Campus CRUsaders for Christ is the Christian group on campus. Once a week we get together for a Bible Study. We also throw in a few Game Nights, Ice Cream Socials, and BBQ's throughout the year. All faiths are welcome as long as you believe the Bible (you can come if you don't, but we study the Bible, so if you don't believe it...well I hope you get the picture) This club is great if you are trying to find a Christian Family on Campus and everyone is willing to give rides to Church on Sunday morning so you have plenty of churches to choose from.

Dance Team is still a club on campus not a sports team and anyone can join. I wrote a post a few months back about the Dance Team and right now not much has changed. We are getting uniforms and pom-poms this year and we are all super excited!

Megan & Lacey
The dues for this club as a freshman are $5. We honestly don’t know what this club is about because We did nothing in it the past year. We do know there aren’t any meetings. At the end of the year though you do get lead points for each club you are in.

In high school I was a part of Interact with is also apart our Rotaract which is a club that deals with community service and doing our part in the community. I really liked this club because I got to meet some of the people in Rotary and I was able to help at the different events that is offered to us. The dues are $5 and I would say join this club, because it’s fun and looks good on a resume.

Honestly, I signed up for this club at the Activities fair because of my major and I never did anything in this club.

This is my favorite club. We practice on Saturdays and we go places to play in the tournaments. We are an unofficial team, but we always have fun. No, you don’t have to know anything about Harry Potter, just come out and have some fun, get away from the books and studies and join a group of kids who play the sport! I also wrote a post about the team Here!

Jennah & Victoria
The “Show Team” is the Hunter/Jumper club on campus. Everyone is welcome, even non-equine majors. Members are not required to show, although it is great fun! This club meets to discuss happenings in the barn and go do fun activities. It is an awesome way to meet and bond with barnmates! The club also handles the prep for some on-campus shows, such as painting the jumps and setting courses, and administrates several shows each year.

Jennah & Victoria
According to their website, “DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe.” This club is a doorway into a real-world business environment while remaining exciting and competitive. Members prepare for a yearly DECA competition against other colleges in simulation-like events like accounting, marketing, business ethics and more. You can compete individually or in a team, but you can still be a member of DECA if you choose not to compete! DECA is a fantastic opportunity to learn more about a business career while being surrounded and encouraged by your peers, so definitely check it out! If you want more information, check out their website.

Jennah & Victoria

The Student Website Advancement Team (SWAT) is a student-run organization which helps outside clients build, improve and maintain their websites. Students have to apply to join. Victoria and I were accepted last semester and will have our first official meeting next week (we are super excited!) This club is awesome because you get to improve your website advancement skills while helping out the community! If you have any interest in technology, websites or data gathering, don’t hesitate to check out SWAT.


The purpose of the Society is help people discover and achieve their goals. Members of the Society attend lectures given by some of the top leaders in the nation, participate in community service, and overall help each other achieve their goals.

This is a club for all dressage riders. In club meetings, upcoming shows and other dressage-related events are discussed. Members of the club also participate in fun events such as going out to movies or escape rooms.

Victoria & Jennah
Paddock club is another equestrian organization. However, rather than focusing on one particular seat, it is a club where riders of all disciplines can come together and talk about all things horse-related. This club has a long history at William Woods, but it fell out of existence sometime in the 90's and is just now being revived again.

~Friends at the Woods

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