Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Packing for College...Cleaning Supplies

College dorms become dirty really quickly.  As an incoming freshman, you’ll learn it is absolutely necessary to clean your room and bathroom.  It is not necessary to go wild to buy every cleaning product you can find.  To make it easier, I have compiled a list of essential cleaning products to pack.

v  Dust pan and broom

v  Vacuum (just a small one that will get the job done)(the school might provide these by the floor so ask first!)

v  Toilet bowl brush

v  Toilet bowl cleaner

v  Bathroom cleaner (Lysol or Scrubbing Bubbles work great)

v  Windex

v  Clorox wipes

v  Rags

A Swiffer is great option because you can use it sweep or mop your floors but the choice is yours.  It is important to realize that cleaning is not a huge chore and most likely will only have to be done on a weekly basis.  Have a great freshman year!


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