Thursday, August 17, 2017

Tips for Interview Success

Hey guys I hope all is well! As you know school is starting up again and for most that requires finding a job to help pay for things during your college career. Don’t stress about it, I’m here to help! There are many great resources on your campus to receive help from along with the internet where you can find help for just about anything anymore. To help you out, below are some interview tips!

1.  Research the place you are going to be interviewing for

This is important to know when you are going in for an interview, that way you can decide what goes on, what the place maybe like, and what the values are. An important factor is considering your position to which you are interviewing for. You never know if they are going to ask questions about the position, but they probably will ask you about it.

2.  Dress for Success

Dress appropriately for the position in which you will be interviewing for. Let’s say you are going to be interviewing to work for a large corporation it is best to show up in business dress. Remember to keep jewelry to a minimum, make-up light.

3.  Arrive Early

Always arrive early, you never know what might pop-up, like a traffic jam or a flat tire. If something like this happens, always call the place you are interviewing at and tell them your situation and see if they would be able to move your time. By arriving early, you are leaving more time to think and relax for when it is your turn to interview. Also, if you arrive early, it shows good character along with if they finish another interview early, you are there waiting your turn.

4.  First Impressions are Key

A person tends to make a first impression of somebody within the first 30 seconds of meeting them. Be kind, smile, make eye contact, along with a firm handshake. Make sure they remember you, leaving a good impression of yourself, tends to lead them to remember you. Don’t be rude or arrogant, or an insensitive person. You are interviewing to work for them and it is not a good idea to leave a bad impression on them, because more than likely you will not receive the job.

5.  Body Language IS Important

Good body language includes: Keeping eye contact with the person asking the question if there is only one person interviewing you. If there is more than one person interviewing you, make sure to keep eye contact with all of them. Keeping a good posture while sitting or standing. Sit/Stand up straight and in the middle or front of your chair. Occasionally, nod to ensure that you are actively listening to what they are saying.

Bad Body Language Includes: Slouching in your chair, playing with your hair, pens/pencils, along with not making eye contact with the person conducting the interview. Mumbling with answering their questions is not a good thing, speak clear and consciously.

6.  At the end of the interview, ask questions

Asking questions shows that you are interested/curious about the position along with the fact that you did your research on the place you are interviewing at. A few days before your interview, prepare some questions you want to ask the employer. Here’s some questions you can ask:

·         Can you describe a typical day or someone in this position?

·         Why did you come to work here? What keeps you here?

·         Can you describe the company’s style?

·         Can you describe the company’s values?

7.  Sell yourself

At some places, it matters on how you can sell yourself to the employer. The employee that has the most impressive resume/skills will get hired. Make sure they remember you ask what the next steps are for you in this process and always remember to thank the employer for their time. A few days after the interview follow up with the employer either through, email or calling them. It shows that you ARE the person for the job and it also show that you are still interested in the job.

Should you be nervous about interviewing for a job? Yes, but have confidence in yourself and believe that you can do it! As Arsene Wenger says, “If you do not believe you can do it, then you will have no chance at all.” No matter what don’t worry and stress yourself out about what might happen. Prepare yourself for what is to come. I believe in you, you can do it! Now go out and conquer that interview!

Until the ‘morrow we will speak again


1 comment:

  1. It is very informative and surely am gonna recommend this to other people.


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