Monday, November 6, 2017

My Trip to Kentucky.... Day 1&2

Sometime over the summer the Deaf Sunday School at my church found out about Deaf Day at the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter in Kentucky. It was a day for Deaf from all over to come to the Museum when they knew it would be completely filled with other Deaf and there would be Interpreters around every corner to help. We were all very excited about the trip and plans were made. There were 23 of us altogether including:
  • 4 Deaf,
  • 1Hard of Hearing,
  • 1 Interpreter,
  • 1 future Interpreter (me!) 
  •  3 CODA’s (Child Of a Deaf Adult) (one of which was the interpreter)
  • 2 other people who know ASL
  • 4 people who are learning or simi-fluent in ASL
  • 8 people who know 30 signs or fewer

 I wish I had kept a log every night of what had happened that day; I did not, however I took a lot of pictures to show you all and I am writing from memory, Yay Me!

Thursday October 12th 2017

                My trip started a day before everyone else with a trip back home. I had Dance Team that night and when we were finished my Dad and brother were at school ready to pick me up. Not long after we headed out on the hour trip back home. When we got back it did not take me long to be in bed.

Friday October 13th 2017

                On Friday the plan was to meet at the church at 2:30 to load up the vans and set out on the road by 3. Most of us had made it by 2:40 and we started loading all of our bags into the back of the vans and figured out who would sit where. We set out around 3:10 or so because we had a bit of a problem with the coolers and my dad ran back to our house to get smaller coolers. We started out on our trip with everyone raging with excitement. It didn’t last long though, around an hour into the trip most of us were antsy and didn’t want to be in the vans anymore. We stopped for gas a few times and we all piled out of the vans and stretched our legs every time. We did cross a time zone on the way over and lost an hour. Around11:00 KY time we finally arrived at the hotel and checked in and went to bed.

I was going to write one post but when I reached 12 pages we decided to break it up into a 3 part series. My Trip to Kentucky...Day 3 and My Trip to Kentucky...Day 4 will come out next Wednesday and next Monday respectively.

Until then,
Love God, Love Others, and Love Disney

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