Friday, December 8, 2017

International Travel

International Travel is different, at least it is to me. So far in my life that is all I have done, I’ve never flown just within the states. Last year as some of you might know I went to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands during our Spring Break and this month I am prepping to leave for Belize at the end of December, so forth I decided to write this on international travel, so here we begin.

To begin with you need your passport. I went to our Courthouse back home to get mine, it cost around $150 I believe, and it didn’t take long for me to get mine, they do send your birth certificate back separately then with your passport. You need to have a photo when you turn in your paperwork, I went and got mind done at Walmart, it was about $7 and I got the picture right there, right then no waiting. When getting ready to leave, make some colored copies of your passport information page, just in case worse comes to worse and you lose your passport, put the extra copies in your carry-on or any other bag you will have.

If you have any questions on what you can bring, check the TSA website, they have an entire list of what you can and can’t have in your checked bag and carry on. Depending on the airline you go with whether it be American Airlines, Delta, or Southwest check to see what the weight limit is for your checked bag and if you can have one carry-on and one small bag such as a laptop bag or purse.

Some countries will require a different currency then US Dollars, it’s best to look for a currency converter in the airport, which might charge you more or ask a local on a place where you can convert your money to the right currency. For Belize I am looking for a currency converter online, which I have to admit I haven’t been looking to hard right now for it with studying for finals the past week. Which I’m glad they’re done for the semester.

When deciding what to pack, lay out everything you want to bring and start getting rid of the pile, bring what is necessary and it’s okay to wear the same clothes over again, I did. I saved room in my suit case by bringing what I needed and on the last night in Ecuador, well last morning I should say, I threw my toothbrush, tooth paste, body wash, shampoo and conditioner, my razor, and that little scrubby thing away, because I didn’t need them anymore and they would just take up space for all my souvenirs. If you’re afraid that you won’t have enough room in your carry on or checked bag, then you might want to bring clothing that you wouldn’t mind leaving in that country and never getting back.

Bring clothes for the elements of where you’re going. Go online and check out the temperatures for the time you will be at your destination along with that don’t dress for the destination on the plane, because the plane tends to be cold, so make sure to be comfy on your flight and not to wear tight clothing, which can be bad for your circulation.

It may not be a bad idea to have some knowledge of the country you are traveling to. In terms of their culture and language. When it come to culture you want to have a basic knowledge of it, so you will not by mistaken chance offend somebody there. With language it is nice to be able to ask question to the locals and be able to understand their reply. Here are just some of the things about international travel, that I think is important. Have you guys ever traveled international? If so where, and how did you prepare?

Until the ‘morrow we will speak again


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