Saturday, December 16, 2017


  Last semester, I joined the WWU Student Website Advancement Team (SWAT). This is a student-run business on campus that helps businesses create, update, or improve their websites. It is an awesome club which has been helping me improve my technology skills and make new connections both on and off campus!

                I was convinced to join SWAT by my friend Nina, who is now the director of the team. I was not exactly sure what it was about and what SWAT actually did as a “website advancement team”, but she gave me a lot of information that peaked my interest. I have always dabbled around with computers, coding, and making websites, and enjoy learning new computer programs. Websites are a huge factor in someone’s business, especially in the equestrian industry. If a customer cannot easily find information on your product or services online, they might not want to purchase from you and will go somewhere else. Equestrian centers use their websites to draw clients in through pictures, information, videos to show people how fun, nice and clean their barn is.  I know I will have to have a website of my own someday, and it is super awesome to be able to help others with their websites too, so I decided to join SWAT!
                Our SWAT group consists of about 10 students currently, and is led by a faculty member (currently Eric Brown, an MIS instructor). Most of the team is an MIS(management information systems) major or minor, but a few are other things, like EQS and ASL. Businesses either locally or nationally contact the school requesting our services. Some businesses only want to test the usability of their website, some want some updates with new pictures and content, and others want an entirely redesigned site. Team members are assigned a client either by themselves or in a team, depending on the size of the project. Right now, I am working on making a new site for a local chip company. It is really cool to see different products in Walmart or around Fulton and think “Hey! We are making their website!”
                There is some time commitment involved, in that we meet once a week on Mondays, and in addition we have to spend a minimum of 3 hours per week working on our projects. It’s manageable, but I personally have to plan out my hours specifically so I don’t forget. There is a room on campus just for us, filled with computers, usability testing technology, a conference table and whiteboards. We also filled it with small toys, nerf guns and snacks for fun too! SWAT also hosts some fun events for the students. This semester we hosted an amusement park themed escape room.
                 SWAT has been an educational and enjoyable experience! I have learned a lot about designing websites, coding, and working with clients while having fun with fellow SWAT members. If you are at WWU and enjoy working with websites, or have a business that needs some website help, come check us out!


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