Monday, January 1, 2018

A look into 2018

As we come to the beginning of spring semester sophomore year and 2018 I figured I should update you on the blog and just life in general.

First things first, Victoria has decided to no longer be a part of the blog. She is overwhelmed with school, work, her boyfriend, and just life in general. She decided the blog was in last place on her list of priorities and would be the first to go. Everyone who is a part of Friends at the Woods agreed when we started that school and work come first and the blog it after that. While we are sad to see her go we know she must do what is best for her. We still hang out with her and hopefully you guys will still hear from her from time to time if we can get her to guest post (fingers crossed).

Secondly, we have also recruited a new writer! When we started the blog, there were five of us and as people have dropped out and moved on to other things we have always found someone to take their spot to keep the number at five. Therefore, to keep our number Morgan has decided to join us on our adventure! She has already written in our Celebrate the Holidays with us...Thanksgiving 2017 post. She is a freshman here at William Woods and was definitely overwhelmed when she came to her first meeting. We hope to change that and slowly ease her into what we have grown in the past year and a half.

As some of you might have noticed we have updated to website! Aly has been putting all her graphic design skills to use for the blog and has created some graphics we all are IN LOVE WITH! She is also working on thumbnails for each post which we hope to be using more in the new year. We want to have a different one for each writer and if it is a series update a different thumbnail for each of those. However, that is a LOT of work so we will slowly be incorporating those as they are finished. Very exciting!

We also have a new series we started this past semester. We call it Major Highlights. What we hope will happen is we have a different major highlighted each month by either one of the five of us, or our friends on campus. So far Megan posted on Criminal Justice in October, Kira posted on Biology Pre-vet in November, and Nina posted on ManagementInformation Systems (MIS) in December. We hope this series will give you guys (our readers) an inside look to the different majors William Woods has to offer and what they are like.

I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday season and is ready for 2018! I can’t wait to see what God has planed for this year both for my life and this blog. Until next month…
Love God, Love Others, Love Disney,


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