Monday, July 9, 2018

Celebrate the Holidays with us: Our 4th of July 2018

Hi guys! so we hope your 4th of July was Amazing!!! We all have different ways in how we celebrate the 4th of July and we wanted to share ours with you! So as told best from each of us here are our 4th of July story!

Hello, Hello, Hello. Well I hope everyone enjoyed their fourth of July! I have to say, mine was pretty good. This was always my dads favorite holiday and it is up there pretty high on my list. So this fourth I actually didn’t have to work for the first time in 3 years which was amazing! So I started it off with the Parade at 1pm and while i didn’t collect candy for myself, I collected it for my aunt’s 4 or 5 year old cousin while hanging out with Jeffrey and Colt. Then after the parade e went to their house to go and swim, so forth I was still dressed and I got soaked, but it was great! Then on to the fun part! We barbecued and I had 2 grills going one for hamburgers and hot dogs and one for steaks. The fireworks cam after, I really enjoy setting things up and lighting up the fireworks. This was my cousins first year of actual fireworks. We shot off fireworks from 8pm to 10:30pm and Colt and his dad walked home at 9:45pm and Jeffrey and his mom stayed until they were all done. Jeffrey loves to light things off, but with our luck in this family, we have to be careful because we all tend to hurt ourselves with Fireworks. All in All this was one memorable 4th of July!
Until the ‘morrow we will speak again

Hi, Friends!  On the 4th of July, I was surrounded by the whole Weber family at my cousin, Casey’s home in Westphalia, MO.  He has a new pool and we broke it with a real “bang” and lots of “splash”! Aunts and cousins from all around, including Kansas and Texas, came to celebrate the holiday.  We do not get to see each other but a couple times a year, so it was great visiting with all. We were also blessed have my 85-year-old grandparents join the party. They are in great health and mind.  They did not get in the pool but pulled some of us older grandkids together for a game of cards. The day was also filled with great food. We ended the evening with traditional fireworks.

So, since I am living directly in the capital of Missouri, the celebrations were happening literally two blocks away! There was a parade, live music and a ton of food trucks, selling everything from funnel cakes to alligator meat. I spent the fourth wandering around town, watching the festivities. I then took a glorious nap and then went back into town for the fireworks. I went on top of a parking garage to see if I could find a good view for the fireworks, but there were too many trees and building blocking the view, so I followed the crowd down behind a restaurant by the river and found the perfect spot. The show was amazing! This was my first 4th of July out of state and away from my family, and I must admit that Missouri really knows how to celebrate!

I have not enjoyed the 4th of July for a long time. I had a bad experience one year quite a while ago and have not enjoyed it since. My original plan was to go to a friend's house and watch movies all day until church that evening. However, he ended up having to work that day. So, instead I hid in my room for most of the day and caught up on things I have been meaning to get done for weeks. That evening my church was having Wednesday night service and a big party afterward, so I met another friend for the service and dinner after. She had plans with her family for fireworks so we both left after that. On my way home my friend contacted me saying he had gotten off work so we met up and drove around for a while before ending up at my work. We sat on the roof of my car watching what was left of the fireworks and discussing the meaning of life for a while. Before leaving we ran round on the playground for a few minutes taking us back in time to when we were kids and had no cares in the world. While 4th of July still isn't near the top of my list of favorite holidays I can say I enjoyed part of my 4th of July this year. 
Love God, Love Others, Love Disney

~Friends at the Woods

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