Thursday, July 12, 2018

Projects with Stuff from the Dollar Store

Hey guys! So this week I wanted to give you some ideas for fun projects you can do with anyone! I did all of these projects with my cousins who are 2 and 4 years old. So how about we just jump right into this funness of a post!


So this is a slime recipe, it’s been in my family for years. This was a really fun project to do with my cousins. The oldest is very hands on, but you might want to make sure you’re okay with getting your hands dirty. :)

4 boxes of Cornstarch
 7 Cups Warm Water
15 Drops of Food Coloring
Empty the cornstarch into a large container. Add 5 cups water and all of the food coloring, mix together. The gradually add the remaining water and cornstarch. Store it in the fridge in an airtight container, this will make 9 cups of slime

This is such a fun activity, I love doing this. If you have the time and supplies I would say decorate your volcano with paper mache, it looks a lot cooler! I did this project twice with the boys. The 1st time I used a 2 liter bottle, But I didn’t have enough baking soda and vinegar to make it rise out of the bottle. I then tried it with a water bottle and it worked soo much better!

Baking Soda
White Vinegar
Empty Bottle
Food Coloring (Optional)
Sprinkles or Sparkles (Optional)

Depending on the size of the bottle and the size of eruption you are wanting will depend on how much baking soda and vinegar you use. Put your baking soda in first then your food coloring and sprinkles or sparkles. You could also mix the food coloring with the vinegar if you wanted to. Then pour the vinegar in the baking soda and stand back!

This one is soo much fun. We did this while we were at school and I thought I would try it with the boys.

2 liter bottle of diet pop (Pepsi Works better)
Mentos (Whole roll, doesn't matter what kind of mento, they all work)
Paper to roll up or another object

So with this you want to use a bottle that is brand new and it hasn’t been opened yet. Once you have opened it you need to have your paper ready, at least that's what I used because I could pinch the bottom of the papers so the mentos would not fall through it until I was ready for them to. Try and get as many mentos as you can into the bottle so you can have a bigger explosion!


So I didn't think this would work. I was skeptical, but to my surprise it did. They will pop after a while, but they last a lot longer than your typical bubbles you buy at the store.

Bubble wand or something to release the bubbles with. (I used the bubble gloves you can get at Walmart with the animal faces on them)
6 cups water 1 cup corn syrup 2 cups of regular joy dish soap
Just mix all together and let them have fun!

I was trying to come up with something fun to do with stuff I could find at my local dollar store. So while I was walking through the store I figured out what I could do. This project was a lot of fun, my sister ended up getting hit by one of the paint filled arrows which was hilarious.

1 Bow and Arrow with the suction cups
Different colored paints Tri-Board or poster board
Paper towels Water (To wash off the paint arrows) Paper plate (to put the paints on)

I loved this project and would do it again. But what I think would be fun with it is if my friends and I all wore white shirts one day and we were all on teams and we just went after each other with the paints. My cousins are always asking to do this project it is reusable, and it was soo much fun!

All in All I enjoyed these projects and some of them may seem childish, but thats what we need every once in a while is to be childish. I hope you have all enjoyed this, If you try these please let me know how they went with leaving a comment below!

Until the ‘morrow we will speak again


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