Thursday, September 6, 2018

Dating Game 2018

Hi guys! So we wanted to let you guys get to know us a little bit better. Megan had to do the Dating Game at her CA training so we thought we would do it as well, so here we go!!

1. If you would describe yourself as an animal, what kind of animal would it be?

  • Lacey: This took a bit of research but I think a Brown Bear is fitting. I treat my friends like my children (no, I don't baby them) but I am the mother of the group and I will protect them to no end. 
  • Megan: This is honestly hard. I would say mythical animal for me is a Griffon. I see them as strong independent animals and that they are brave. 
  • Jennah: Ummm... Probably a beaver. I like to consider myself as hardworking, organized and always busy doing something.
  • Aly: I think that I am a Raccoon because they are nocturnal animals and it is my favorite animals.   
2. What would you describe as a "Perfect Date"?
  • Lacey: going for a drive while talking or listening to our favorite music as the sun goes down, sitting on the roof looking at the stars and eating ice cream, finding a playground to play on for a while. 
  • Megan: Mine would have to be stargazing or watching the clouds go by just talking to each other. Or a way to my heart is through a snow cone date or taking me to a Thomas Rhett concert. 
  • Jennah: Doing something unique and exciting. Dinner and a movie is nice but overrated. Let's do something fun while we get to know each other!
  • Aly: I think that the stereotypical date of a movie and dinner date. 
3. If you had to give yourself a nickname, what nickname would it be?
  • Lacey: I don't know what I would nickname myself but I have had a few over the years, Lacey Lu, Lacey D, Lace, Doodle, Ladybug, Mom, and most recently Lacandre. 
  • Megan: Meg, it's boring but I do answer to it. I was JaMegan in middle school because my teacher could not remember my name. 
  • Jennah: Something lame, like Jen or something. I have been called jennAH since my name has an H at the end. (Lacey: really its more like JENNAHHHHHHHHH!!!! LOL ) 
  • Aly: I think I would be Aly Cat because I think I am a lot like a cat.  
4. What song best describes your life, and why?
  • Lacey: "Be Our Guest": I watch the TV show NCIS and Gibbs has his list of rules, right? so I have my own, and rule #22 is don't leave my house hungry. 
  • Megan: Honestly, I can't pick one song, but also no songs come to mind. Maybe Humble and Kind. 
  • Jennah: There are so many good songs out there. Right now, I like the song Brand New by Ben Rector.
  • Aly: i think that song Live like a Warrior because it talking about living each day like it is your last. 
5. What is your best pick-up line?
  • Lacey: don't really have one, never had the opportunity to use one. 
  • Megan: "You must be smooth because I'm tripping for you."  The story behind that is I trip on a lot of things even flat surfaces. 
  • Jennah: Anything that ends in a super clever pun (Which I can't think of right now)
  • Aly: " Life without you would be broken pencil, pointless"
6. What is more important: having a great sense of humor, having an intelligent conversation, being active and sporty, or being passionate about life?
  • Lacey: While I value all of these things and having a balance between these makes the best personality, I think being passionate about life is the most important. loving what you're doing and doing what you love, waking up each day have drive and excitement for the day ahead can be very invigorating. 
  • Megan: I think all of these would be great to have in somebody, but for me, it is definitely a great sense of humor. I say that because I need to have somebody who can make me laugh and who I can make laugh. 
  • Jennah: Each of these things is super important, almost equally so. I am partial to having an intelligent conversation. Meaningful and worthwhile conversations allow people to know each other better and help get things done.
  • Aly: I think being passionate about life because I don't want to talk to someone that is negative about life.  
7. Who do you think should foot the bill for a dinner date?
  • Lacey: whoever asks should be the one to pay. 
  • Megan: Well this one is hard. But I would say you can split it or however wants to pay for the meal can. 
  • Jennah: Either split it or whoever initiates the date.
  • Aly: I think the person who asks should pay.
8. If you were to be proposed to, how do you want it done?
  • Lacey: I don't any specifics ideas right now except that it better include a Disney reference, however it should be something personal to the relationship. Whether that's one of our favorite things to do together, or maybe our first date or something. I don't want a 'classic' expensive dinner and 'romantic' public proposal. 
  • Megan: Well I would want the spot to mean something to both of us and I would love to have somebody being sneaky and taking pictures of the proposal. I honestly would not want it to be in public with a bunch of people, that takes away the magic of it. I think I would also like it on a mountain or by the ocean. 
  • Jennah: Somewhere in a memorable and beautiful location in private. Maybe with horses involved? Nothing clique.
  • Aly: I think I would like to be proposed to on a horse ride through the woods. 
9. What car would best describe your personality?
  • Lacey: my car Linda. she's a Mercury Mountaineer. she can hold all my friends, has a sunroof so if all the windows are down I can feel the wind in my hair and can get to the roof of my sitting up there. 
  • Megan: I don't have a clue...
  • Jennah: Maybe a nice Jeep. Can hold a lot of stuff, rugged yet refined.
  • Aly: I don't know cars so I don't know :)
10. Say that money is no object. What kind of gift would you give your boyfriend/girlfriend?
  • Lacey: well...seeing as I don't have a boyfriend this is a hard one. I don't think that expensive gifts are the best gifts I believe that gifts from the heart are more valuable. it would more sense to me to wait and use the money for the wedding or house. 
  • Megan: I don't think it should be anything expensive, but I think it would be nice to take them to a place they have always wanted to travel to. 
  • Jennah: I wouldn't give them an item, but rather an experience that we could do together, like traveling or skydiving or something.
  • Aly: to their favorite place in the world like Italy or someplace romantic. 
11. If you were a superhero, who would you be and why?
  • Lacey: apparently being the sensible one in the group is my thing. making sure everyone stays sane, keeping them from fighting, focusing on a goal...Captain America. 
  • Megan: Well, I would choose a mix of them, but since that's not possible I would choose Hawkeye. Why? I'm actually pretty good with archery, I also sometimes am confident in what I am doing i'm very observant.  
  • Jennah:  Probably Thor. He's got cool abilities for one thing, but mostly because he values his family and friends and always tries to do the right thing.
  • Aly: I think I would be like Spiderman because even if I have a serious job I like to have a good time.
12. You've won a lifetime award for doing something. What did you do?
  • Lacey: no idea. I would hope it has something to do with the Deaf, or environmental awareness, or gender equality. 
  • Megan: Well volunteer work, I love helping out my community in many ways because of how they have helped me. 
  • Jennah: Doing something that brings God glory, most likely involving horses.
  • Aly: I think I would like a graphic design award to show all the hard work I put into my job.

~friends at the woods

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