As most of you might
figure, college is vastly different than highschool. In addition to possible
lifestyle changes such as moving away from home, maybe even to another state or country,
and living on your own or with a stranger, there are some other major
In high school, students don’t have much choice in their subjects, and they are really general and not as exciting as college classes. College classes, on the other hand, vary
immensely depending on the teacher and which class you are taking. Some are harder, some
are easier; it all depends on the subject and the type/amount of work the
teacher assigns. The best thing about college classes is that most of them are
subjects you want to take. Since you (hopefully) chose a major you are
interested in and love, the classes you are required to take will be about
subjects which interest you. Of course, there will be boring classes, like
general education classes, but there will be a lot of classes you will be
excited to take. For me, I get to take all these equestrian classes, like
“Horse Health and First Aid” and “Stable Management” that I am super excited to
learn about.
Do you want only 10 minutes to grab some lunch before rushing off to the next class, or having no Friday night because you have a class at 7pm? It can happen. You are responsible for making sure you get all the required classes in while maintaining a workable schedule for those classes. You can get help from your peers, teachers and especially your advisor, but the responsibility mainly rests on you. Then again, classes in college are completely optional. You are not stuck in a building from 9am to 3pm every weekday, and can chose to skip your 2pm class in favor of a nap if you want. However, if you want good grades, GO TO CLASS. Skipping on class results in missing vital information, making your teacher unhappy with you, and possibly loss of a letter grade depending on your teacher’s attendance policy. So make sure you arrange your schedule correctly in order to complete necessary classes and have a manageable day. For tips on how to schedule your semester, check out Victoria’s post, “Class Scheduling”.
Obviously, with great
age comes great responsibility. As you get older, you become responsible for
more things, such as taxes, car insurance, a job and school. As previously
stated, you are responsible for scheduling your classes and going to class. You
are also responsible for keeping up with assignments. During highschool, a
typical student goes to class during the day, and completes homework during the
evening. A college student’s day is a lot more unpredictable. You might have a
class at 9am then have nothing to do until your next class at 2pm. College
students must decide when to study and when to do other things like eat, sleep
and be social. Over time, you will learn to master the time management
balancing act.
Pro Tip: Learn how to use a microwave before coming to college! No one likes hearing the fire alarm late at night. The best thing you can do is to focus on positives, consider other people’s perspectives and make sure to get some alone time if needed. If you are a social butterfly, then great! You will probably love all the people! If you are not a social butterfly, that is ok too, just do whatever you need to do to make your college experience the best it can be.
Keep in mind that
everyone has a different highschool and college experience. No one can
guarantee any similarities or differences between the two that might happen for
you personally. Looking at the bigger picture, highschool and college are just
two different stages of education, like elementary school and middle school.
Most of the major changes are due to that awkward transition of becoming an
adult. So have fun with it! Stay true to who you are (for tips on staying you click here to read Megan's post!) and don’t worry about the
changes between high school and college.
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