Friday, January 27, 2017

The Best You, You Could Be is Yourself

I was told once that I could be anything I wanted to be so I was many things. I believed I could be a princess, a fashion designer, a cow girl, even a pop star. But when I got to high school I saw who I really wanted to be and that was myself. We all go through periods of who are we? What do we stand for? And things like that. But as I say, “The best you, you can be is yourself.”

I went through sorority recruitment and I tried to make myself more likeable, not acting like I would normally act. I’m a silly person and I tend to trip most the time. I’m sarcastic and I forget to watch my tongue sometimes, but while going through recruitment I tried to hide that from them, because I really wanted to join a sorority. At the end of recruitment, I was embraced by a ton of screaming girls and I believe at that point I knew I had changed and this was not for me. But it maybe for you, and that’s ok.

You’re beautiful in every way possible, don’t change to fix in you were created that way for a reason. Don’t change for a guy/girl. Dress to impress and if it doesn’t make you happy, find what makes you happy.

Below are 10 tips for being the best you, you can be:

1.     Do what makes you happy

2.    Don’t change for somebody else

3.    Gather yourself with people you want to be around

4.    Organize yourself for success

5.    Get rid of what is unnecessary in your life

6.    Live for yourself

7.    Believe in yourself and what you can do

8.    Love yourself

9.     Don’t give up stay positive

10. Stay away from peer pressure

These 10 things are a good way to keep an idea of who you are and not to change. You are who you are so go walk out of that runway and be yourself.

“Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it”, the wise words for Bruce Lee.

Until the ‘morrow we will speak again


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