Thursday, November 1, 2018

My Zero-Waste Beauty Routine

A while back I wrote a post on how college can change you. One of the changes that I have seen in myself that I mentioned is that I am trying to go more zero waste. Since that post I have done more and more research. Watched tons of videos, read blog posts and have already decided that zero waste is not for me. Hear me out. The whole point of going zero waste is to reduce the amount of plastic you use. That’s basically it. yes, they will compost and different things to not have a trash can, but the goal is to not have any waste products. That’s impossible. Because even if you are buying your food in bulk, there was waste for it to get there. So every decision you make will cause waste. So it is absolutely impossible to make zero waste. But you can make a smaller impact. Choices you make can make a smaller to lower impact on the Earth and the environment and many zero waste “leaders” have realized this have started using the term low impact. ‘But Lacey,’ you say, ‘the title of this post is your zero waste beauty routine!’ Yes. Its called clicks people. Anyone researching this topic is going to know what zero waste is. They will be searching zero waste and the term low impact hasn’t grown as big yet so fewer people are searching it. so…… this is my zero waste/low impact beauty routine!