Friday, August 25, 2017

WWU Clubs

When you go to college everyone wants to give you advice. I remember checking out at Walmart and when my Dad mentioned I was going to college next week I suddenly started getting advice from the cashier, the cashier in the next lane over and the customer behind us! Most of what people say is either common sense, not worth listening to, or is repeated by everyone. One of those repeated pieces of advice is to join clubs on campus. Four of us here at Friends at the Woods agree with this wholeheartedly. We are still trying to convince Aly to join clubs but the rest of us cant imagine college without them. So, today we are each going to describe the clubs we were a part of last year. If you are coming to WWU this is a great way to see SOME of what our campus has to offer. If you aren't coming to WWU then you are going to the wrong school! JK! Maybe you can start a club like one you see here at your own school. So without further ado, WWU clubs...

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Tips for Interview Success

Hey guys I hope all is well! As you know school is starting up again and for most that requires finding a job to help pay for things during your college career. Don’t stress about it, I’m here to help! There are many great resources on your campus to receive help from along with the internet where you can find help for just about anything anymore. To help you out, below are some interview tips!

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Packing for College... The Complete List

Here is a compiled list of all the items discussed in our “Packing for College” series. Remember to personalize this list so that it suits your needs! You might not bring everything on this list or you might bring items that we missed. Let us know what items are not on our list! Hope this list helps you prepare for the beginning of your college journey!

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Packing for College...Everything Else

Hey Guys!

Today in the last post of our Packing for College I am going to give you a list of just random items that you need around your dorm room that don’t really fit in any other category. Some of these things you will use every day and others will be every-so-often, however they were all items we used even if only one person had it and we all borrowed from that person. You might not need all of these items however, reading through this list might make you think of other things you want to bring. So here is the list of ‘Every thing else’ you should pack for college.

Packing for College...Cleaning Supplies

College dorms become dirty really quickly.  As an incoming freshman, you’ll learn it is absolutely necessary to clean your room and bathroom.  It is not necessary to go wild to buy every cleaning product you can find.  To make it easier, I have compiled a list of essential cleaning products to pack.

Packing for College... The Bulky Stuff

In this post, we will discuss the items that seem like the most troublesome things to bring: The Big Stuff. If you have a roommate, it might be helpful to coordinate with them and see if y’all want to share or just bring your own. Also consider your available space in your method of transportation to make sure you are physically able to bring these items along.
Here are some Bulky Items to consider: