Saturday, September 30, 2017

Glow Party

Hello friends,
The first week of school I went to a glow party, which to most people doesn’t sound like a big thing but to me this was a big thing. This was my first party EVER. In high school I never went to a party because I didn’t have a lot of friend and the ones that I did have didn’t go to the parties.

Monday, September 25, 2017

My First Thoughts on Being a CA

Hey Guys!! I’m here to tell you about my journey being a Community Advisor at school. Last semester I applied to become a community advisor, I wasn’t sure that I would get it but I was very hopeful that I would get notification to be a community advisor for the next semester and so on here at the woods.

Friday, September 15, 2017

WWU Summer Riding Camp - A Stablehand's Perspective

Over the summer, just like most college students, I got a job.  I had the opportunity to work with the horses at William Woods.  It ended up being a pretty rough summer, but that’s a different story.  The barn on-campus functions a lot differently over the summer than during the semester because all the students are gone.  For the summer, a lot of the horses leave campus.  They either go out to pasture or get leased out to a summer home.

Friday, September 8, 2017

The Scoop on WWU Orientation

This year, I was hired as an Orientation Leader for the incoming class. It was a really neat experience! So, if you are thinking about becoming an orientation leader, or want to know the behind-the-scenes of college orientation, keep reading!

Saturday, September 2, 2017

A College Sized Faith: Quiet Time

Every year, the week after Mother’s Day, my church back home has Graduate Sunday. This is the week all the High School graduates go up on stage to be acknowledged before going to college. Then, the sermon is focused on them and becoming a Christian adult. And every year a few things are said, ‘So many lose their faith in college, strive to be among the few who don’t’ ‘Make sure you find a good church to get involved with’ ‘Make good Christian friends’ AND, ‘Don’t forget about your quiet time, because if you aren’t talking to God *insert something bad here.*’ The problem with all of this is no one ever tells you HOW, they only say it needs to be done. Then when you move to college and become overwhelmed by all the changes these things become the first to fall to the wayside. Today I am going to give you 5 tips to help you have and keep your quiet time in college.