Friday, January 13, 2017

College 4 Realz......A New Semester

You arrive on campus on a chilly day, your car full of bags and suitcases packed with a winter wardrobe, new textbooks and notepads, and random Christmas presents and snacks.  You tumble into your dorm room, arms burning from the weight of too many bags so you only have to make one trip. Friends reunite in the hallways, avoiding empty rooms of the students who have left the university, never to return. You then consider several options: A) rest up for the long day of classes tomorrow B) party it up with friends to celebrate the new semester C) meticulously organize your planner and make sure you can find your new classrooms D) curl up alone or with a buddy and Netflix until you fall asleep.

                The beginning of Spring semester can offer new experiences, classes, friends and activities while keeping some familiar aspects such as study habits, dining hall options and enjoyed clubs and activities. Here are some things to expect when beginning the second half of your freshman year:


1. People in the dorm have moved or vanished

The first couple days are full of people moving in and out and the stairways are      consistently blocked with people carrying large bags and suitcases. Apparently, many students transfer or drop out after their first semester. Whether because of financial issues, grades or personal opinion some students find better schools or want to wait a while to resume their education. Also, with many people now without roommates and faced with the threat of having to pay for a single room, a lot of people are moving around to new rooms. I was one of these      people. My roommate left during Thanksgiving break, so a few days ago I moved in with Victoria, which has been amazing!


2. Classes are different (duh)

                                Just when you felt comfortable with your classes during the fall semester, everything            changes. New subjects. New teachers. New classrooms. New textbooks. New types of homework. Unlike the fall semester, freshmen had a few days to settle in. This time, residence halls opened Sunday afternoon and classes started bright and early the next morning. It may  take a few class periods to get used to a new schedule, including adjusting your sleep schedule and finding new times to eat with everyone. If your classes and schedule seem horrible at first, give it a week or two to get used to it, but always keep in mind that you can add or drop classes!


3. Food

                                Regularly eating in a cafeteria setting took some getting used to (especially if you were        homeschooled). Once you were finally an expert at grabbing some grub, the university kicks everyone out to go home for the holidays. Then you have nice home-cooked comfort foods, or perhaps did some baking of your own. It is quite a jolt to the system (mentally and physically) to actually get bundled up and walk ¼ mile to get some dining hall quality breakfast, as opposed to walking down a hall to your kitchen at home. It’s not that bad, just takes some time to get readjusted.


4. The Cold

                                Campus in winter offers different situations and problems than in the fall. Snow, ice and cold temperatures means a necessity for extra precautions. Closets become squished with heavy coats and boots. It takes another two minutes everywhere you go to put on extra layers. Going outside simply for fun becomes more like a joke then a viable option. Constantly walking from one building to another takes you from freezing temperatures outside to sweltering heat inside in a matter of seconds. As a girl from the south, I am loving the possibilities of ice and snow, but the cold winds can make even me miss the summer! However, it is cool (ha) to take a break  from the hot summer and play around in snow and indulging in delicious hot chocolate.


Overall, there are a few differences but a lot of things are the same. It always feels nice to be back in your home-away-from-home with your friends. Here is to hoping this semester is full of new adventures and memorable experiences!


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