Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Celebrate the Holidays with us......Spring Break Style

Even though spring break isn't really a holiday we thought you guys would enjoy hearing how we spent our week off of school. The only people who will not be posting with us today are Megan, who went on a very exciting trip and will be posting on Friday to tell everyone about it! (click here to see what she did!), and Victoria who worked in the bards here on campus all of break.

I spent my spring break at my house. On Friday after my classes (around 3:30ish) my mom came and picked me up on her way back to the house from Springfield MO. We started to catch up on the hour long drive to my house and arrived home around 4:45. The rest of the day was pretty relaxed with the two of us watching Hawaii 5-0 and Blue Bloods at the end of the night.

On Saturday I woke up early to go see my brother’s last basketball game of the season. It was the only game I was able to attend and I was so proud when they won (they aren’t the best in the world so maybe I was a good luck charm???) After we got back home I made banana muffins and translated and practiced the songs I was signing in church the next day. My church has three Deaf who come to church every week and there is a team of us who take turns signing the songs to give the interpreter a break before and after the sermon. When the Deaf found out I would be home they volunteered me to sign all the songs that week lol.

Then on Sunday I signed the songs during service and afterwards the Deaf and signers stuck around just like normal. We talked for a while and I was told by the Interpreter that I have Deaf Mouth, which means when I sign my mouth moved just like a deaf person’s does. In the Deaf community this is a very big deal and a huge compliment for me. I was also told by one of my friends (Corey, who I will be talking about later) that he stopped signing with me during service because I had become so ASL he didn’t know what to expect to come off my hands next. This was also a big compliment and I am very happy with how much I have improved already at William Woods. After Church we went to a couple from the church’s house and my brother was able to shoot his compound bow and a gun (I think they called it a 22?). He let me try the bow once and I feel I did pretty good for my first time…

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday were all pretty boring, I had a dentist appointment, I made more muffins, I stayed at the house, I did some homework (yes I know it was spring break), and I went through most everything in my room to prepare for all my stuff I have at school to move back at the end of the semester.

On Friday my grandparents came in town to visit me and my family while I was in town. We went out to eat and hung out for a while before they headed home. After they left my sister asked me to help her go through basically everything she owns because she didn’t like how cramped her room felt so I spent the rest of the night and all of Saturday until 4ish holding up items and throwing one way or the other.

Sometime around 4 I went into the kitchen and started making a new recipe, chocolate tacos. I made chocolate shells from scratch but because I didn’t have a waffle cone maker I ended up making chocolate crisps to eat with ice cream instead of being filled with it. But they still tasted good so everything turned out great. About half-way through my little experiment my friend Corey (from above) showed up. He came over to teach my brother his song he was signing in church the next day. While he was teaching him, I made dinner (pork chops, scalloped potatoes, and green beans if you were wondering) and after he had initially learned all the song we ate dinner and then dessert. Everyone loved the chocolate crisps and Corey went back for….was it seconds or thirds??? All during dinner and for a while after we were sitting at the table just talking and generally having a good time; my family likes to tease and just be goofy, especially when we have guests and Corey and his personality just fit right in. My brother and dad even talked him into trying chocolate covered green beans (gross) which he said weren’t all that bad but would never be found on a menu anywhere. When we were done it was back to practicing because my brother was getting nervous about his first time signing in church. After another hour or so of practicing and reviewing and constructive critiquing Corey headed home and we basically settled in for the night.

Sunday morning (after losing an hour of sleep) we headed off to church, but not until my brother had practiced until he lost count of how many times he had done his song. We got there extremely early because my sister and the youth band were performing one of the other songs and they had to get there to practice with the praise band. When the first service started my brother practiced his song again, and after one last critique to have fun we went to Sunday school. In Deaf Sunday School we acted out the story of Ruth and Boaz, and the Deaf teacher picked me to be Ruth (yay me?). Then we all filed into the worship center for second service. After the choir sang their song (I signed that one) my brother signed ‘How Great Thou Art’ and did a beautiful job. I was like a proud momma bird seeing him sign like that and the Deaf absolutely loved seeing him sign. Then we both sat down and Corey signed the rest of the songs as we watched and we were listening to our sister play her flute in the youth band. We were very proud of her too! After service we hung out with the Deaf and signers for about 20 minutes before leaving. I grabbed one of my other really good friends on our way out because I had missed her birthday (March 1st) and she hadn’t been at church the week before. I had stashed her gift (a stress bag) in the car to give to her and she was so happy with it and promised to keep it in her car ‘just in case’. When we got home I packed my stuff up and made soup for dinner and cookies to bring back before watching Toy Story with my brother and leaving to come back to school. When I got back I unpacked and Victoria, Jennah, Aly and Kira (we went on a hike with her) all came up to hang out and steal all of my cookies.

While I didn’t have any big plans, like Florida (my dance captain) or the Galapagos Islands (Megan),  I am very glad I did what I did and it was a very good spring break.

Until next time, Love God, Love Each other and Love Disney

          My Spring Break was not very exciting, but I had a great time relaxing and spending time with my family. I took a plane back home to Texas, and then spent a fun night playing board games with all my brothers. The next few days were filled with catching up on much needed sleep, a chiropractic appointment, some geocaching and working on a rather difficult puzzle with one of my brothers (we never ended up finishing it!) I also visited the stable where I used to work/take lessons before college and chatted with my friend who is the owner. Then I rode an adorable yet feisty little pony, which was super fun and exciting! Later on that week, my family and I went to a pottery shop and painted some ceramic pieces. I painted a bowl, and cannot wait for it to finish baking in their kiln so I can see how it turned out! The last day before flying back, I convinced my dad to take me to a BBQ place, Rudy’s, for the most amazing, delicious, mouth-watering breakfast tacos that I have been craving for months! That week was the break I needed to relax and recuperate for the next 8 weeks of school, so now I am recharged and ready to take on this last half before the summer!

This is the puzzle we worked on,
we finished about half of it!



Hello everyone, this past week was spring break and after my morning classes, at 12:00, my dad came to pick me up and we loaded the truck with all things I would need for the break including my chair which broke right before the break. I sat down on the chair and the chair snapped in half. My mom bought me a beanbag so that I didn’t break any more chairs because this was the second chair I broke.

            When I got home my dog Maggie was so excited to see me and jumped into my lap and laid down. She stayed there as I did my homework and slept for 8 hours which she never does; it made me very happy. Most of my break was me just relaxing and training my 1 year old horse (Star) and 6 year old horse (Moon). I am training them to respect me and accept me as a rider.

            It was really good for me to get away from the school and just relax and sleep for the first time in a while. Let me explain, I have insomnia which means that I don’t normally sleep during the night. When I can go home and relax I can sometimes sleep for an hour at a time. So when I got back to school had to get back to work and buckle down.     

Megan went on the Woods Around The World Trip to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands over spring break. To learn more about Woods Around the World click here, and come back on Friday (or click here if it is after Friday) to hear about her trip!

Leave a comment to tell us what you did, we would love to know about your spring breaks too!

~Friends at the Woods

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