Wednesday, February 22, 2017

A Random Adventure

On Sunday (the 19th) Megan, Victoria, and I went on an adventure with some of our other friends, Kira and Gabie.

Kira had found a park about 20 min away with a big lake and some trails. It was sunny, in the 70’s, and a beautiful day for a hike.
We drove out there, hiked for about an hour and a half and had a wonderful time. When we first started out, it was mostly wooded with glimpses of the lake through the trees.

There were many different bridges along the path, some of them were quite sketchy, but most seems solid enough :)

They had recently done a controlled burn and the smell lingered and there were fallen trees and logs scattered along, sometimes across the path, but that just made it more interesting.

Sometimes the trees would really thin out and we were walking alongside the lake.

We finally arrived at a peninsula where we were practically surrounded by the lake.

There was even a small beach.
We sat here and enjoyed the weather and the view and the company before heading back to campus.

My absolute favorite picture of the day has to be this one, with the sun reflecting on the water it looks so peaceful and beautiful.

Besides the fact that we were college students (like our goal audience) having an adventure (like our motto) there is one other reason we decided to share this with you. and it wasn't to brag or anything. I personally have realized two things because of this trip.
 1) You can't always list all your adventure before they happen. Sometimes life will present you with an adventure and you just have to be willing to see it for what it is. You can't plan ahead, just go with it! The only planning on our part that went into this was saying 'yes!' when Kira asked us to join her.
2) You can't always wait for adventures to happen. Kira had to search for a park with hiking trails before asking us. She went out and found her adventure.
Either way, don't just sit in your dorm room, or apartment, or whatever and complain that you are board. We did that last night, trust me, it isn't any fun, go out and find an adventure, and don't be afraid to say 'Yes!' when one comes your way!

Go out and find your adventure!
Until next time, Love God, Love Each other and Love Disney

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