Realizing at our last meeting that none of you know what
our rooms look like, I decided to show you mine and Aly’s freshman dorm. She
might choose to go more in depth on her side but I will give you an overview
and a more in-depth on my side.
When you first walk in you are on Aly’s side of the room. She has her desk against the wall and her bed lofted behind that. Underneath she has her chair. Next to her chair she has her food tub and her fridge.
If you are ever looking for Aly she is either in her chair or on her bed. :)
In between her bed and mine we have a six foot lamp (thanks
grandma!) and we also store the vacuum and mop here. My bed is also lofted and
under I have two chairs, and some shelving and baskets for storage. I also have
my white boards set up under my bed because my desk is under the window
opposite Aly’s in the room.
My fridge fits perfectly in the corner with the bathroom
door right next to that. And I have put up some pictures my friends back home
made and my favorite quote from Boy Meets World on the door.
When you first walk in behind the ‘front’ door is Aly’s
closet and right next to that is mine. On the outside of her door is my
accessory organizer and on the outside of my door is her mirror. We decided to
do it this way so the mirror wouldn’t get smashed by the ‘front’ door if it was
ever slammed open. In between the closet doors we set up hooks, one for each,
for coats or bags. I store whatever jacket or coat I am wearing that day on it
so I can grab and go.
Fitting perfectly between my closet door and the bathroom
door are our dressers, stacked on top of each other with the TV, DVD player and
such on top.
Now for a bit more in-depth look
on my side of the room.
Like I mentioned above I have some baskets and shelves
under my bed for storage. The biggest basket holds kitchen items I hardly use,
mostly Ziplocs. The next basket holds any paper item that does not get used
often. Extra loose-leaf, printer paper, notebooks, colored paper, etc. the last
basket holds more commonly used kitchen items like mugs, cutting board, Tupperware
etc. on top of the baskets I have a
picture of my siblings, my Bible, and some colored pencils.
My shelves hold a lot of different things. I have some
shoebox sized plastic tubs that hold extra hygiene items and some miscellanies
items. I also have all my makeup, and nail items in little bins on the shelves.
And my binders for note-taking too, I know very boring.
On my desk itself there are four drawers. Three thick
drawers down the side with the last a bit larger than the other two and one long
drawer across the top. I use the long one to store my electronics out of sight
(Shhh! Don’t tell anyone),
the first drawer on the side I put all of my school
supplies (ex: glue, stamps, stapler, envelopes, etc.), the second drawer is
where all my textbooks are, and the last drawer is full of food.
I also have food in little bins on top of my fridge and in
the second drawer of my dresser because my Grandma is a wonderful lady who
thinks all college kids starve. J My other two
dresser drawers store clothes.
While the closets are not as big as I am used to at my
house they are pretty large for a dorm room, and they have doors which is a big
plus. Besides the rod (which is full of hangers) there are two shelves above
the rod and two hooks on the wall behind.
On the top shelf (which is hard to
reach) I have all my empty luggage and my ‘emergency bag’ which my dad insists have
which has everything from toilet paper and a hammer to non-perishable food and
a rain poncho. Basically if the world ever ends all I need to do is grab this
bag, my phone and my wallet. On the next shelf down I have my extra sheets, my
First Aid kit, my fuzzy PJ pants, and a basket of random things I hardly use like
a sewing kit.

We also have a big fuzzy rug we jokingly but affectionately
call ‘Aly’s emotional support rug’ in the middle of the floor.
As I was writing this post I realized just how much stuff I
have packed into HALF of this tiny dorm room, and let me tell you I am going to
start going through stuff to try to condense J
I am off to declutter! See you later!
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