Sunday, May 14, 2017

A Look to the Future

Hi everyone!
At our last blog meeting the five of us had a discussion about our plan for this summer. We won't be seeing each other until everyone is back on campus at the end of August and each of us have a job for the summer. However, none of us wanted to take a break from this, we wanted to continue writing  even over the summer. And so, we made a plan for the future of Friends at the Woods and we wanted to share this with you.

We are still going to post every Friday (hopefully) :) with the same schedule.
Lacey on the first Friday
Jennah on the second Friday
Victoria on the third Friday
Aly on the fourth Friday and,
Megan with Aly or on the fifth Friday if there is one
We also plan to have 1-2 special posts that we will all work on together each month.

Jennah's series College 4 realz (here) is now over and we are sad to see it go however, we have new series for the summer and sophomore year. We also have the Celebrate the Holidays with us..... series (here) which we plan to continue for at least a little while. 

The first new series is A College Sized Faith which already has one post (here). We want to use this series to share our faith, explain why we believe what we do, and how we continue to grow while at college. We hope for this to continue the rest of our college careers but we will see what the Lord's plan is.

The second series is just for the summer it is Packing for College..... We will each take turns with different parts of the room giving suggestions of what to bring to college and what to not waste money on. Then when we are finished we will put together one list with all the items for an easy way to see it all at one time.

 I'm going to be honest with y'all right now, I'm now really sure how to end this post, but let us know what you are looking forward to the most.

The Friends at the Woods

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