Saturday, May 27, 2017

Project 123

Hey Everybody! I hope your summers are going great! As you guys know I went to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands in March and I had some help from Project 123. This summer I am working on Project 123 hours again. This time I’m going to Belize this December. I want to let you all know what Project 123 is.

Project 123 is a program only for William Woods students (sorry to all you guys who don’t go to WWU) and is funded by our many sponsors. We are so lucky to have these sponsors helping students go on these amazing trips. We use EF College Tours, It’s a very affordable way for college students to travel. For all those wondering how college students can go to all of these places for Spring Break or any other type of break, here is your answer: EF College Tours. They also work well with Project 123 recipients in the payment plans.

In order to get funding from Project 123 you first have to fill out a short application and turn it in and you may have to wait a little while before you hear back if you received the money or not. But once you have obtained Project 123 you have to do 123 hours of volunteer service. 15 hours at each place max and 25 hours max for one place if it is pre-approved for 25 hours. This may seem like a lot, but it’s not. I have lived in the same town for 17 years and I have volunteered at all of the places that I am doing for Project 123, I plan on having my project 123 hours done before going back to school on August 4th this year.

Before you go on your trip you need to have your hours done and for each trip the amount you receive may vary. When you have finished your hours let the advisor know and he will pay EF the amount you worked for, and all you still have to do is pay off your part. This is such as great opportunity and if you are going to William Woods please go on a Woods Around the Worlds trip, there is so much to explore and knowledge to be absorbed. With the help of Project 123 it is possible to travel the world!

To give you a little help with finding volunteer hours go ask around your town and see if there is any opportunities for you to earn some hours. Make sure to tell them what it is for, many people like to hear you’re going on a trip instead of having court ordered community service. I would try and get it done during summer that way you don’t have to worry about doing community service during the school year. If you can’t get it all done during the summer, try to get the majority of it done then finish it during the school year before your trip.
Until the ‘morrow we will speak again

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