Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Celebrate the Holidays with Us...Halloween

On one spooky day, Aly and Megan dressed up. Hey guys! It’s Aly and Megan reporting on what we did for Halloween. Halloween was a Tuesday this year and we decided to dress up even though we still had classes, but no costume contest this year at the Woods. Aly dressed up as a Witch this year and she dressed up for the whole day. Megan on the other dressed up as the Grinch for the event the CA’s were putting on that night.

Why did Aly dress up? She never really got to dress up in high school, but her school had a ban against costumes and this was an opportunity for her to dress up. Why a witch? She likes witches and she thinks of herself as a witch (Evil Screech Sound Effect). She felt awkward because nobody really dressed up, but hey everybody was really supportive of it.

Why did Megan Dress up? She did it for the CA event all the CA’s at William woods were putting on. A sort of Halloween trick or treating. Why the grinch? It was comfy and it’s an onesie, along with it being one of her favorite Christmas movies. It was fun to dress up because a lot of the other CA’s did as well, so it was fun. While the others were cold and she was warm, you’re a mean one Ms. Grinch.

Aly’s favorite part of Halloween is the candy!!!!! Who else can relate to that? She also likes her family gatherings with the Weber family. They usually play games, such as get the tape off the horses, which may sound cruel, but it’s not. She also says they have the best chocolate pie, it’s the best she has ever had in her life.

Megan on the other hand likes Halloween because of the movies and yes, the candy plays a nice little effect into it. Megan is an October baby, so Halloween has always been fun. She stopped going trick or treating when she was 10 and started handing out candy to kids. At Megan’s house they used to have 200 kids show up, but now they only have about 20.

What did you do for Halloween this year?

Until Next Time,

Wicked Witch Aly and Grinchy Megan

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