Friday, November 24, 2017

Planning a Quidditch Tournament at William Woods University

Hope all is well and that your Thanksgiving was great! Today you’ll get the great opportunity to see why I have pulled my hair out. I’m fully kidding. As you all might know, I am the team manager of our Quidditch team here at William Woods University. For about the past couple of months I have been organizing an Quidditch Tournament on March 24th, free to the public. So here we go on the broom ride.

I got the idea to hold the tournament because we don’t have enough funds this year to go to a lot of out of state tournaments which would require our team staying in a hotel rooms. This is the first of many tournaments WestWoods Quidditch will be putting on at William Woods. This has not been done/approved here before, so it’s my turn to shine!

First I had to get into contact and see if our team was covered under the insurance and if we could even get the practice field for that date, which to my relief we got the practice field and we are also covered under the schools insurance, right now I am in the process of trying to get waivers to send to our participating schools as of right now.

I also had to make sure it was okay if we painted the field, which we are also able to do, I just have to get into contact with the head of maintenance on which type of paint we need to get and that we can use the field sprayer.

Our tournament is open to all official and unofficial teams. As of right now the teams we have participating in our tournament are, WestWoods Quidditch (unofficial), Iowa Quidditch (Unofficial), Webster Quidditch (Unofficial), Southern Illinois University (Official), Iowa State Quidditch Club (Unofficial), Lumos Quidditch (Official), and Mizzou Quidditch (Official). My goal is to have twelve teams in total at the tournament, but if not, I’m still pretty proud of how many teams we have signed up as of right now.

Right now, I still have a lot to do and my mind is slowly turning to mush, but hey, who needed a brain a few weeks before finals week anyway? I’d rather be busy doing something I love than be busy doing something I don’t love. What do you guys think, would you want to be in a quidditch tournament?

Until the ‘morrow we will speak again


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