Saturday, December 3, 2016

Celebrate the Holidays with us.......Thanksgiving


A few weeks ago I brought up to one of our friends that I thought it would be cool to have a Christmas party before finals week to help de-stress. She said that her and her roommate were thinking along those lines but that they were actually thinking more like secret Santa. So we decided to combine both of them into one having a party and secret Santa. I will post telling everyone how that went later this week but for now I am going to tell you about the Friendsgiving we had before thanksgiving break to celebrate that and to organize the secret Santa.

                We celebrated Friendsgiving on November 18th and the party started at seven. We knew a few people would be late because they were working with horses and stuff and wanted to shower so we didn’t plan anything spectacular for the beginning. We had everyone bring snacks to share and we snacked on those for a while. We also had a poster on the wall for everyone to write what they were thankful for and let’s just say we had some comical results. When everyone arrived we passed out paper and markers to make secret Santa lists to pass out later. Then we all sat down and watched the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving movie. After the movie finished we passed out the secret Santa lists and hung out for a little while watching more movies and eating more food.



I was lucky enough to be able to leave campus on the Monday before thanksgiving and spend more time with my family. When I got back to my house on Monday I just hung out with my sister and brother. Tuesday they still have homeschool co-op so I did some homework, but mostly I was just lazy all day. Wednesday was more of the same two but I also made some cute turkey and pilgrim hat cookies. On thanksgiving we went to my grandparent’s house; they live about an hour and a half away. It was my family and my grandparents and my uncle, his wife and one of my two cousins. Then on Friday my family and I decorated our house for Christmas like we do every year. That night we watched “The Haygood Family Christmas” from 1999. It is a tradition to watch it every year after decorating for Christmas while eating chili and drinking hot chocolate. On Saturday we went and celebrated with my dad’s side of the family who gave up years ago trying to get his eight brothers and sisters and all their kids and grandkids in one place on thanksgiving. When everyone had had their full of food and family we went home to sleep for the next day. On Sunday morning I went to church with my family and got to visit Deaf Sunday school and see all my friends. I came back to campus not long after that because we knew traffic would be bad. I had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday with my family, how about you? What did you do for Thanksgiving?
Until next time, Love God, Love Each other and Love Disney


My Thanksgiving was very relaxing and exciting at the same time. First of all, since I was flying home, I was tasked with navigating the airport and sitting in an airplane for the first time by myself. The last time I had flown was when I was very young and my memories of it are minimal, so the flight was a very fun and nerve-racking experience. Once I got home to Texas it was so awesome to see my family again. Not much has changed but it was so nice to be back in a familiar setting. My dog was very happy to see me too! The first night after I arrived we went out to dinner so I could have some of that delicious Tex-Mex food I have been craving for months. It was so comforting just to sit back and catch up with each other. Thanksgiving the next day was full of excitement. My older brother and his girlfriend came over, and we spent the day cooking, eating and talking, all the typical Thanksgiving activities :D I spent the rest of the break catching up on much needed sleep, playing a lot of board games with my brothers, watching movies with my parents and spending time with my horses. They have not been ridden for about 3 months, so I was expecting them to be a bit wild, but they did very well and I am so proud of them! Unfortunately both of their manes and tails were loaded with huge burrs, so we spent a couple hours bonding while I worked to get them all out! We also spent time meeting our adorable newborn calf and taking care of our neighbor’s animals while they were on vacation. Overall the break was a very welcome time to rest up and gain energy for the last two weeks of classes and finals.


 How did you guys spend your thanksgiving?

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