Welcome friends to the inner secrets of my life which are know
as some of my favorite things in this life, so please do enjoy getting to know
me a little bit better!
Color: Green,
Always have always will.
Animal: Hummm now this is a tough one. I would say dog. My dogs are my non-human

Food: Well I’m a foodie. I will try anything at least once and I love food. My favorite would be breakfast food, I could eat that all the time. Num, Num
Music: I really like Country Music, but I will listen to
anything really, except Rap or anything really loud.
Books: As Jennah said in her Favorites post, there are sooo many great books to chose from and I also used to read a lot before going to college. I love Romance and non-fiction books. If the books doesn’t catch my attention in like the first 5 chapters I won’t read the book. Surprisingly I read best when I’m up in the air on an Airplane.
Movies: So, I love movies. I love Disney Movies, Fantasy, Hallmark movies. I love Marvel movies a lot, they always keep the suspense up. I love movies that I can’t tell what the plot is or how the movie will turn out in the end. Oh, Also the Harry Potter Movies, love those! My all time favorite movie though is Mulan.
Stuff I do: Travel, Read, Scrapbook, Swimming, Bowling, Hiking, and really anything outside. I’d rather be outside then stuck inside doing nothing or sitting in front of a screen all day.
Classes at WWU: I enjoy my Criminal Justice classes. I get to learn a lot of awesome stuff and it makes me love my future career more!
Sport: QUIDDITCH, I mean I love this sport. It is such a great experience and the people you meet, this is just something I would tell kids to do.
you don’t have to athletic at all, you just gotta enjoy working with a team and try something new!

People: My friends, My Family, Our Good Lord above, Along with everybody who has helped me get to where I am in life right now. I would not be where I am without them!
Until the ‘morrow we will speak again
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