Inside the front door we hung a cork board, a chalkboard and a whiteboard calendar as a sort of command center for the room. We can hang our keys up, leave each other notes or reminders, and have a calendar of when people will be gone or events on campus.

set up a bit of a kitchen with Aly’s fridge/freezer combo, a cart, and two
wooden boxes as a pantry. While we have had real food in the past most of what
we have now is tea, popcorn, and ramen, a college student’s staples.
rest of the room has a sofa and armchair provided by the school, my butterfly
chair from last year, and 2 footstool storage combos. We also have two DIY side
tables, a table for our TV and DVD player, and a table with a water dispenser.
decided to decorate two of the walls with motivational quotes and inspirational
Bible verses.
my brother made us these two wooden shelves for the other living room wall.
and I’s room has the same decorations as last year in our room. Our beds are in
what I think is called Sr. crew style. With her bed and dresser under my lofted
desk I set up under the window and I have a lovely view of an apartment
building when doing my homework or writing blog posts!
closets this year do not have doors so we got curtains and rods to keep
everything contained and out of sight.
hope ya’ll liked seeing where we live and how we decorated our room this year.
God, Love Others, and Love Disney,
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