Sunday, August 19, 2018

Day in the Life: Megan's Summer

Hey everyone, Welcome to my life! I feel like I need to say what my life has been for the summer so you guys can kinda get an idea of what I did. This is a continuation of our “Day in the Life” Series.

7am: Get up and get dressed

7:30am: Go for a walk with both my dogs, Penny and Pretty Boy

9:30am: Get to work at the pool (Monday-Thursday)

12-7:30pm (or 9:45pm when we have parties): Managing the pool checking on the concession workers and our life guards.

7:30pm or 9:45pm: Taking the bank deposit to the bank that our City uses.

7:30pm or 9:45pm: Get home, eat something which typically was a fried egg sandwich. If I got home around 7:30pm I would hangout and watch Netflix with my mom or just lounge around the house. I typically ended up doing more stuff for the pool while I was at home.

10-10:30pm: Get to bed, because sleep is life!
This was my summer, it was a normally routine for me, during some of my free time I would good cook for the inmates down at the jail or I would work on Project 123 things. 

I typically didn’t have much of a life during the summer, I worked and went home. I left my job for the summer on July 18th so I could go to NYR in Colorado and I got back to Missouri on the 28th of July, then I had to pack to go to school on August 2nd and from there I was in CA training all day.

Until the ‘morrow we will speak again

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