Internet World! There are two things that a college kid living in the dorms
fear, Finals Week and Flu Season. (Well really I could do an entire post on
things that we ‘fear’ but that is for another day.) Unfortunately they seem to
hit near the same time too. While I can’t help you avoid Finals Week (I’m sorry
I wish I could) I can help you avoid getting the flu. While this is NOT a
foolproof method, it may help a bit.
1) Clorox Wipes -
First off you hear that when you move in you should use a whole pack of Clorox
wipes to kill everything in there before you move in. however, this should not
be the end of your Clorox wipe use. I myself use them once a week. I wipe down
doorknobs, light switches, my refrigerator door, the top of my desk….basically
anything that is touched every day.
2) Open the Window –
If at all possible I suggest leaving the window open as much as possible. I
know not everyone can do this (I myself have allergies so I get it) but the
fresh air will help keep the dorm fresh and get all the germs out.
3) Wash your dishes
– this helps keep the germs from accumulating. Wash your dishes within 24 hours
of using them if not sooner.
4) Take out the
trash – same concept as washing your dishes just don’t give the germs somewhere
to accumulate.
5) The Bathroom –
now if you have community bathroom this will not pertain to you, but if you are
lucky, like us, and your dorm is suite style all I am going to say is – CLEAN
THE BATHROOM. You might work out some
kind of schedule with your suitemates and roommate, but the bathroom needs to
be cleaned on a regular basis.
1) Use your foot to
flush the toilet – now you may be thinking, ‘Lacey why would I do that when I
am just going to wash my hands when I finish’ and I’m going to say, ‘who cares!
How many other people use their hands when they have been sick to flush the
toilet?’ just use you foot, now you have less germs on your hands.
2) Don’t touch the
handrails – I know some people need the handrails to get up the stairs (or if
you are like me help from falling UP the stairs) but the less you touch them
the better, they are just a breeding ground for all those flu germs.
3) Have germ-x –
have one of those mini attach it to you bag germ-x’s and use it every once in a
4) Use your sleeve
or back – when you are going through doors on campus either turn around and
push to open the door, or pull up your sleeve so you don’t use your hands.
5) Wash your hands –
when you get back to your dorm for the day wash all those nasty germs off your
if you do get sick by some unfortunate chain of events, here are some things
you should already have in your dorm
1) Emergen-z – find
your favorite flavor and stock up
2) Cold & Flu
medicine – whatever it is you are used to having at home – get some you will be
thankful when you realize you can’t just walk into the bathroom and find it
3) Cold & Flu PM
– use this before going to bed to help at night and it will also help you sleep
4) Sleep – this is
your body’s way of fighting infections, germs, and viruses, let it do its thing
and Get Some SLEEP. I know, I know, finals are coming, and all your projects
are due, but how do you expect to do well when you are sick, and how do you
except to get better when you don’t sleep?
5) Hot Tea – there
are so many kinds of tea and different flavors, find something you like and
have some tea bags. The hotness will help soothe your throat and it helps you
to relax to get that sleep from up there ↑.
hope these help you keep from getting sick or dealing with it when your do,
unfortunately, have the flu.
Did I miss anything that helps you from keeping sick?
Did I miss anything that helps you from keeping sick?
Until next time, Love God, Love Each other and Love Disney
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