Saturday, October 6, 2018

A Day in the Life: Lacey's Junior Fall Semester

We are about half-way through the semester here at William Woods and things are picking up. Midterms are next week and everywhere around me I see stressed out people. But this is a look into my Monday schedule!

6:00- alarm goes off
6:10- get out of bed, wash face, and brush teeth the whole nine yards
6:30- I gather up my bible, notebook, pens, and bullet journal, go to the chair in the living room and relax with my Savior before I plan my day.
7:30- get dressed and ready for the day
8:00- breakfast. I always get an omelet with cheese, bacon, and all the veggies Sarah has.
8:30- go back to my room and get my backpack and head to class
9:00-9:50 Linguistics of ASL
10:00-10:50 Police Process
11:00-11:50 Conflict and Dispute Resolution
12:00-12:30 lunch at the cafeteria. While the food can suck I can always pick and choose and find something. Even if there doesn’t seem to be anything good, there is always soup, salad, and sandwiches.
12:30-2:40 homework and Netflix. Right now I am watching Gilmore Girls (again) so while it plays in the background I do homework on the couch. Anything from ASL video assignments, to writing papers.
2:40- head to class
3:00-4:15 Interpreting I
After class I head back to my room and hang out for a while. Sometimes I watch Netfilx, other times I will read or hang out with friends. Then,
5:00- dinner
Most of the time I have a National Society of Leadership and success Exec board meeting, Dance team exec board meeting, or mandatory hall meeting but this Monday was free so I got to watch a movie with a friend across the hall.
8:30- get ready for bed
9:00- go to bed

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