Friday, April 21, 2017

Celebrate the Holidays with us......Easter Break

Our last celebrate the holidays with us this year! this time we are letting you in to see what we did to celebrate Easter! when your finished, let us know what you did for Easter in the comments!

My first college Easter break was fun. I really didn’t do too much that was exciting. I cleaned the house before some people came over. I convinced my mom to buy a fire pit only for it to turn up all dented and smashed and she is returning it to the store. On Saturday I went up to my grandparents’ house and baked a two-tier vanilla Easter cake with my grandmother with blue buttercream, all homemade. I love to bake and my grandparents got me into baking when I was just a little girl. On Easter Sunday I went to church and participated in ‘The Road to Resurrection’ with my aunt and my two cousins. It told the Bible story we all hear on Easter. Then I went to my grandparents’ house and had lunch, ate the cake I made with my grandma, and I helped my cousins color eggs for an egg hunt later that day. My Easter break in my opinion wasn’t long enough, but summer break is coming up soon!

Until the ‘morrow we will speak again


Hi friends, now I know that you have probably read the other’s very important events that they have done on there Easter break. I on the other hand had a very boring break. I got sick for most of the weekend because of something that I had eaten at school. I was on bed rest for two days and on Sunday I was feeling better so my family and I went to the family Easter dinner which is something that you don’t want to miss. My family's cooking is the best cooking you will eat, and my aunt’s fried chicken is to die for. After that break was pretty boring I mostly did homework like my animation and horse management work and watched anime and movies. My weekend may have been boring but for me that’s what they are about, being lazy and doing nothing.

~ Aly ~

My Easter Break was definitely not long enough. It is way too close to summer to be teasing us with a break like this. Anyway, I was finished with classes early Thursday morning and my grandparents came to pick me up. They brought my little brother along and we all went out to lunch before going back to my house. We all hung out for a while before they went back to their house. I made dinner that night and watched my Friday night TV shows. On Saturday my mom sister and I went shopping in the morning and then I went out with Liz and Corey (two of my best friends from back home) for ice cream at Culvers. The rest of the day was spent baking cupcakes and watching movies. On Sunday morning I went to the Deaf Easter breakfast at my church before Sunday school and Easter service. Then we had my  family Easter get together. Monday I made more cupcakes before packing up and coming back to school.

Until next time, Love God, Love Each other and Love Disney


Victoria and I stayed on campus working in the barn over break. Someone still needs to take care of those horses! We were both placed in the saddle seat barn and were put in charge of 20 horses to feed, take out to pasture, groom, and clean their stalls. It was hard work and exhausting, but fun to spend Easter and the break around God’s amazing creatures. Everything went pretty smoothly, in that we got everyone’s stalls clean and made sure everyone had time to play in turnout every day. For some reason, a lot of horses decided to hurt themselves. Nothing was too serious, but we got to watch the vet deal with colic and put in some stitches, which was very interesting. When Victoria and I were not working in the barn, we were both furiously writing essays for our Teaching Tech class. We got a lot done! Overall, our break was not very relaxing, but it was productive and we had a lot of fun working with the horses!
~Jennah (and Victoria)
Let us know what you did over Easter! 
~Friends at the Woods

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