Saturday, October 28, 2017

A Major Highlight into the Criminal Justice Program

Criminal Justice, a career that can take you places in the world. I wish one day for my work to take me all over the world, but what I can I say I really don’t know what the future holds for me. So, I’m here now to tell you about my major...


I have been a Criminal Justice major for two years now and I can’t say I’m disappointed. Last year I went to the Cyber-Crime conference in St. Louis, Missouri and then for the first time as well we went to the headquarters for the Missouri State Highway Patrol in Jefferson City, Missouri. We also had the honor of having an FBI agent give a talk on human trafficking.

In the Spring of 2017, my professor Stephen Saravara took our Cyber Crimes Class to the 8th annual Cyber-Crime symposium. That was an enlightening event to go to, I learned a lot on cyber security and crimes online. If you might be interested in cyber-crimes I recommend taking this class, there is a lot of good insight into the crimes of the internet. Also in the Spring of 2017 our professor also took our class to the Missouri State Highway Patrol in Jefferson City to help with the interrogations that was being taught to law enforcement officers.
 I loved this event, I learned a lot o behaviors of a guilty and innocent person during an interrogation. I had the opportunity to be interrogated by a young trooper who works in the Jefferson City area and a Sheriff from the Osage Beach area. I had stolen a vehicle and I left it on the side of the road and was seen walking on the side of the road (It was all fake FYI). It was such a great opportunity for a criminal justice major to attend, that way we can get an insight on what is going on, on both sides of the interrogation.  

On November 16th of 2016, Saravara invited Special Agent Jennifer Lynch of the St. Louis Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Special Agent Lynch spoke with us about intricacies that were involved in conducting some of her investigations on suspected human traffickers and everything that is needed in order to take a case to trial.

On September 24th 2017 I also had the opportunity to go to the Columbia Airport and we got a tour of it by a Security officer and two TSA officers. This was for my Transportation and Cargo Security class for our paper that is due at the end of the semester. I got to see some of the behind the scenes look at how a small airport operates and what some of their systems they use are since they don’t have jet bridges so they have a hanger area which is where the planes sits and you walk up to it and board.
Every opportunity I can take while here at William Woods University is a Golden opportunity which I need to take in order to help my future. For women in a criminal justice role, it is harder, but not impossible. Here at William Woods we have many classes that are offered for Criminal Justice majors at William Woods University. I would suggest with a Criminal Justice major doing a Business Minor or a double-major with Business as well, which I am doing. 
Here at William Woods I am majoring in Criminal Justice with a concentration in Homeland Security and Law Enforcement and BusinessAdministration with a concentration in Leadership. While I’m also minoring in AmericanSign Language and PoliticalLegal Studies. If criminal justice interests you, I would suggest taking a class and seeing if this is something that interests you. You won’t be disappointed!
Until the ‘morrow we will speak again


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