Sunday, May 13, 2018

My Favorites: Jennah

Hi everyone! Jennah here. Here is a random list of my favorite things!

Color: Turquoise (also purple and green tie for second)

Animal: I bet you can guess! The horse of course. I am at college for horses after all. Specifically, these two, Mae and Chaplin. I don't have them anymore, but I still love and miss them! I do also love dogs and tigers!

Food: I will do anything for chocolate. Anything.

Music: Any random song that catches my attention. My playlists usually include a whole bunch of different genres

Books: So many great ones to choose from! Used to read a LOT before college. I loved the Percy Jackson, Narnia and Hardy Boys series when I was younger, and nowadays would love to curl up with a good fantasy or mystery novel.

Movies: I LOVE movies that blow your mind or make you think, such as Arrival, The Prestige and Inception. I am also a huge fan of Star Wars and the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Don’t get me started on the new Infinity War! I am still lowkey (ha) freaking out.

Stuff to do: Riding horses, geocaching, reading, hiking, roller skating, hanging out with friends, swimming, bowling, anything adventurous and spontaneous (preferably outside!)

Classes at WWU: Stable Management, the riding classes, Keeper (yes, I enjoy it!), Auditing

Really Specific And Maybe Strange Stuff that I like: The smell of rain. Accounting. That moment
when your Trial Balance finally balances when you’ve been working on it for 2 hours. When you and a friend look at each other and instantly crack up. Jason's smile. The feeling of dirt and sweat on your skin after a day of hard work. When your horse follows your around (even when you are actually just holding treats). The smell of home. Singing at the top of your lungs in your car where you think no one can hear you. Hugs from kids. Licks from puppies. High fives from strangers. When you find the last piece of the puzzle you’ve worked on for the last week (it was under the rug). That feeling when you and your horse soar over a jump after making the perfect stride. When your younger brother asks when you will be back home because he misses you. Realizing you have no more homework. Bubbles (obviously).

People: Jesus. My family. My dear friends. My mentors. My teachers. All those who have taken me into their own families and made me feel loved and wanted. You know who you are 😉

Anyway, those are some of my favorites! Leave a comment with your own favorites!

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