Friday, May 18, 2018

Some Fun Things to do with your Friends

Hello one and all! Welcome back to the Blog! Now we are always looking for fun things to go do with friends, right? Welp, have no fear, Megan is here! Today, I wanted to help with the idea machine of things to do with your friends!

To start off, I love card games and board games. Here are a few Ideas:
   Exploding Kittens!!! This Game is among my top two games I love playing! It is a bunch of fun, all of my friends love it. We always tend to set each other up when ever one of us pulls a kitten. I normally set Nina or Aly up.
.    Clue. I love this game. The mystery of the game just makes it more exciting. Yes, you can play it on a Wii or whatever else Clue is on for electronics. I would recommend playing it as the board game. You get to experience hands on and I personally feel like it brings friends closer together.
.    Monopoly. Yes this game does take a while, but its fun. We put into the works for this game was exchanges, gang ups, and soo much more. We don’t play this much over at Cultip, because it takes a while and not everybody likes it as much as I do. 😊
.    Playing Cards. You can play a lot of games with just regular playing cards. Such as Golf, Garbage, Go Fish, Kings Corners, Rumy, BS, War, Slap Jack, ERS, Solitaire, and many more along with that. If you have a deck of cards you can pretty much do anything you want, don’t forget about 54 card pick-up. Try it with somebody who doesn’t know what it is, Wink Wink.

Well Since it is summer time now, I do recommend doing outdoor things with your friends.

1.     Spike Ball. So, you’ve never heard of it? Well I didn’t either until this semester when Nina brought it up. You have a net and you bounce a ball back and forth on the net. This is actually a lot of fun. I tend to get competitive as does Nina which makes it a lot of fun! Here’s a video of professionals playing Spike Ball:

.    Football. Nothing ruff unless you want to get that way. But just throwing the football back and forth is a lot of fun and it works your muscles along with your hand-eye coordination as well. This will pass the time forever!
.    Go on a hike. Find a National Park or Conservation Area and go out with your friends have go for a hike and maybe pack a picnic as well to enjoy together!

.    Something I love to do, go Swimming. If you go to a lake, a pond, or to a pool, go swimming with your friends and enjoy the time you are getting to spend with them.

Here’s a Few indoor Ideas:
.     Go Bowling. Find a bowling place and make a compition out of it or doing something silly. What we did once was we played a game with our normal bowling hand and saw our scores and then we played a game with our non-bowling hand. Let me tell you that was full or laughs and giggles.

.    Go Roller Skating. Find a skating rink and go. There’s no time like the present to go and fall on your butt while laughing and smiling the entire time. It’s really a hoot and a half. 
.    Go to an arcade. Yep I said it. One of my friends is a huge arcade fan. So we went to the arcade and it’s a lot of fun to try to beat each other at the different things that are in there. Maybe go to Chucky Cheese and win tickets as a group then give those tickets to a kid. That will definitely make your day and that kids day even better by doing that.
.    Simple, go to the Mall. You don’t have to buy anything. But spending time like that together is something to remember. You can go and try on clothes, go to the candy store, the food court, and best of all the Book Store!

Always remember there are a ton of fun things to go and do with you friends instead of sitting on your electronics or if you need a break from homework or studying. Put the Phones down and get to know your friends, you have a short time together, might as well make it fun while you’re together!

Until the ‘morrow we will speak again

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