Friday, October 7, 2016

Blogs I Read

Hey everyone! I mentioned in my last post that I regularly checked blogs for new posts in high school. Today I want to share with you the blogs I follow what I like most about them.

My favorite blog is MostlyMorgan. Morgan seems to just love life and can’t wait to help other girls live life in college. About six months ago she dropped out of school and moved to New York so her college posts have dwindled. Even so, I still read all her posts which says a lot seeing as I was only drawn to blogs because I needed the college advice!

Healthy Liv is a college blog centered on trying to stay healthy in college. One of the biggest things high school seniors/graduates hear about before heading to college is the freshman 15 and how hard it is to stay healthy in college. Liv is proving all of this wrong and is teaching you how to do the same through recipes and such!

Dani Dearest is a blog for college girls to help them stay organized in school, social life and blogging life. She has all kinds of tips and tricks on how to stay on track in college. But she isn’t limited to that either! She also throws in some stories about herself, beauty and fashion tips, do it yourself crafts, blogging tips, and much more!

Life as a Dare is a college blog by Rebecca and is so helpful with tips for school but also on how to live a bit of a simpler life without so much worry. She uses her faith in Christ to help her do all of that and I find it all very inspiring especially because she does it all and at the same time she is married! I also love her sister’s YouTube channel: Katie Gregoire.

Sara Laughed is a blog with the joke in the name :) and I love it! Sara blogs about all things college, faith, and travel (she is enrolled in college across the sea!). She even started another blog called college compass where four girls are giving their tips on college as they each go through college differently; grad life, freshman, study abroad, and study at sea. And she does all this and still has time for a long-distance boyfriend!

Those are all the blogs I read on a regular basis but I have two that I check every so often and scroll through to see what is new. These blogs are: The College Girl Daily, and Creatively Lauren.

These are the blogs I read, but if you have any others I would be love to hear about them! I am always looking for new tips! just leave it in the comments!

Until next time, Love God, Love Each other and Love Disney

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