As I was looking for these tips I also decided
to look for tips on college life in general and I found that a lot of the tips
I was finding were from the same sites – blogs. I started to look through these
blogs to see what else I could find and eventually started to check them on a
regular basis. I found all kinds of tips and tricks on how to study, what to
pack, and college life in general.

After I followed these blogs
for a year it was time to pack and head to college myself. Once again I looked
at all of their lists and of what to pack, packed up, and moved out. After I
moved into the dorm I started to think about all the stories from those blogs
about why they had stared the blogs and all the fun they had had doing it and
slowly an idea started to form in my mind. Why miss out on all the fun when I
could start my own blog?!? Besides, I thought, I had been trying to decide on a
way to remember all the fun times I was going to have and wanted to remember,
and I could do this on a blog too!
After this came the realization
that I wouldn’t be able to do it by myself. Not because it is difficult but
because I am the type of person that slowly forgets to do a long-term project
after the initial drive wears off. I knew if I was starting a blog I would need
some kind of face-to-face accountability to keep me on track.
The first time I mentioned it
to someone I mentioned it to Victoria and she said she thought
I was a cool idea but that she didn’t think she wanted in. So I waited about
two days and mentioned it at one of our almost daily friend gatherings. That is
when we decided to make the ‘performance’ (aka this blog!). And we wanted to
let the ‘audience’ in (you) and perform right that second! But reason won out
and we realized we needed to do all the backstage work first. We needed a name
for the show, a date for the show to start and some dances to show when the
curtains opened (and if you couldn’t tell from all that I am a dancer). We had
an almost two hour meeting, although honestly a lot of it was spent goofing
off, but we came up with a plan.
While everyone has a different
reason for joining me in my ‘performance’ I think we all have a few reasons in
v We want to remember even the little things
v We want a reason to hang out all the time
v We want a stronger relationship with our friends
v We want others who read this to learn from our mistakes
v We want others to learn quickly what we had to learn slowly
v And last but not least we want to have a bit of fun by
putting our experiences on paper (the internet) to look back on in the years to
I hope to have fun with this as
I go through four years of college and whatever else God decides to give me in
life! Come! Join us as we celebrate life's adventures as Friends at the Woods!
Have you ever started a blog? why did you start yours? and if you haven't have you ever considered it before?
Have you ever started a blog? why did you start yours? and if you haven't have you ever considered it before?
Until next time, Love God, Love Each other and Love Disney
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